Stream light question


Newly Enlightened
Oct 31, 2002
I am looking at the Ultra stinger, and I see 2 charging options, steady (10 hour) and rapid (2.5 hour) charging option.

With the 2.5 hour rapid charge, why would you ever want the standard 10 hour charger?

Is the 10 hour charge better for battery life? Otherwise, I don't know why you would opt for it.

Its for people who dont need it everyday. Also the fast charge option costs $20 more.
I would personally go with the 2.5 hour rapid charger. I may not use it everyday, but when it is used all the way down, i like the fact that it is ready in less than 3 hours. For only 20 dollars more, you're getting a better charge IMHO.

The first time i bought the US (before returning it) i got the fast charger for it. Being a antsy flashaholic, i was pleased to have the flashlight fully charged in less than an hour.
I returned it 3 days after purchasing it. I bought the Ultrastinger at a local Police shop and it was EXPENSIVE, especially when i see it going for less online and on this forum.

I bought it for 150 dollars. It didn't have the reflector i wanted, and it was a spur of the moment purchase because i wasn't going on a camping trip that weekend. After trying it, AND LOVING IT, i simply had to return it because it was just too expensive. I'm glad i waited because now someone is offering me a great price on one.

But i didn't return it beacuse i didn't like the light.
My understamding is that the circuit in the fast charger is a smart circuit that won't ever cook the batteries.

Any truth? Or difference? I almost Ebayed a Stinger HP with a DC charger for $80.....
just curious, but what happens to all the products that shops have returned to them? are they repackaged and sold again? i sure don't like the idea of getting second hand stuff but i don't think they'd throw it away either.
Well my dilema is over with.

All I gotta do is get my Cousin the Constable to go into 'Prodefense' and get me a Stinger HP w/DC charger for $83.95. It is the best compromise of size and output for me!

They had two in the case, one with a pointy tailcap, and one plain. I guess the pointy one is a tactical thing?

It's a smidgen more than getting it from Brightguy, but it's local in case I need parts or service. And it helps ever so slightly to keep that shop in business! And anytime I can use cash I'm happier about what I buy with it!