Streamlight Batonlite v. PT Attitude



Hi, all.

Does anyone know how these two lights compare?
I own a PT Attitude (3 LED, 4-AAA), and know that it's fairly bright. How does this compare to the Streamlight Batonlite, in terms of brightness? Since the Batonlite is also 3 LED's, I imagine it would be about the same brightness as the Attitude. Does it have a similar beam pattern, or would it be narrower (due to the led's being so close together)? Does anyone have numbers to compare the two lights? Also, how about useful battery life? I haven't seen a comparison of the two on any of the flashlight reviews I've looked at.

Thanks for your help,

PS- I have an Arc AAA LE and a Streamlight Scorpion inbound as I write this, but the Batonlite looks very interesting, and would seem to be a good pocket carry EDC companion for the Arc AAA LE.

I got a Batonlite, Inova X5, Opalec 3LED for Mini Maglite.(sorry I don't have an Attitude)

The Batonlite gives you a very wide beam. It is the result of that plastic lens in front of the three closely-packed LEDs.
It's really bright for a 3LED light, brighter than my Opalec, and very suitable for use in short range. It gives out a very smooth beam while it's slightly blue compare to the other LED light I own which it doesn't bother me much.
What do I dislike most is the N cell it uses.

I think it is slightly brighter than the Attitude but in terms of the hotspot, since it has been diffused, the Attitude should be better.

Well, to be an EDC with useful and smooth light- plus the potential to be a self-defense tool, I carry it when I go out at night to aid my Surefire D3.

hope this help
If you remove the lens the LED assembly falls out. You could probably cut or drill out the center, but then it wouldn't be waterproof at all.
Thanks, guys.

Do you think that removing the lens on the Batonlite (if possible) would improve the light quality?