---Stupid Light Laws---

---idleprocess--- I read the e-bike article in full. The first thought that came to mind is that I cannot think of a subsidy program that did not ultimately inflate the price of that which it aimed to decrease. I won't draw out the long list of examples that exist but I think you get the point. To be fair there may be an exception but I don't count statistical anomalies.

My second thought was we should call this "The War On Batteries". I am betting it will go about as well as the war on drugs. Just the same it will never be critically reviewed nor revoked. I believe some people who chime in have legitimate concern but for many it seems too much of a chance to grandstand and virtue signal.
---idleprocess--- I love watching YouTube videos of people in million dollar homes losing their minds over a neighbor's shrub. I cannot imagine being that successful and that petty. I'm as flawed as any but I seriously wouldn't set foot outside of my mansion to yell at another human being about the color of their trash cans.

Luckily I don't live in a nice enough neighborhood for anybody to really care. My only gripe is the barking. There are a few trashy people on my street. Not horrible, just loud and rude. Anyways, I now believe that at a certain level of trashiness a person becomes completely deaf to the sound of their dogs. There is no other explanation.

Your shed reminds me of two people I know who got in legal battles over fences. One guy got ratted out by a neighbor for not having a permit which turned into an administrative brawl about whether he had to remove the fence prior to obtaining a permit or not. Another friend of mine lives on an acreage. His neighbor built a long fence a few feet over the property line and the courts made the neighbor remove it at their cost.

In more recent times a neighbor of mine complained about the poor condition of my fence. I politely reminded her that if it is mine I can simply remove it. She has dogs, I do not. Which one of us needs that fence? She hasn't brought it up since.
Meanwhile China delivers more specs at less cost.

ITAR can cover the plastic filter or battery too it seems.
I know a couple of gals named Karen who are actually pretty cool. I prefer the term Mrs. Kravitz yet many have no idea who that is.

Things have gotten like they are and there's no turning back. It'll get worse and worse as the societal rot continues. Between selfishness, pride, stupidity and apethy it's a done deal. The snowball has turned into a giant boulder that is speeding down a hill towards a town called Liberty.
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In my country we have ITAR. You can be a criminal if you export a flashlight.
Relative used to work for a company that made analog pressure gauges (old-school dial indicators attached to fluid tanks and lines) that they primarily sold to the aviation industry. Took the better part of a decade to get them removed from ITAR because of their "dual use" nature despite the ubiquitous presence of other makes on the global market.
In my country we have ITAR. You can be a criminal if you export a flashlight.
Last time I looked a private citizen engaged in a private sale could still export a light as long as they were not operating a business.I think infra red and lights that had lasers included were prohibited though. Has that changed?

Believe it or not but here in Alberta ,it is illegal for a security guard to carry a flashlight in excess of 18 inches. This also applies to those guards that are licensed to carry expandable batons.
Some people see aspects of life as a pendulum, swaying one direction then another. Others see a culture war, spiraling down a toilet.

No getting around the fact that there are more people these days; that our electronic/data connectedness is triggering all kinds of stuff.

Some of you are familiar with the decisive Col. Jeff Cooper. He is known for a plethora of pithy quotes as well as providing capable firearms instruction and mindset. Going into his behaviors/motivations and response by others is best left to CPFU(underground).

But one, perhaps less common quote is something like "An armed society is a polite society."

Can't help wondering if he was still around would he think the same regarding so many in USA today?

The good (I believe there are some) people in authority are trying to keep a good stability in order to maintain the kind of quality of life so many have enjoyed after World War 2. Rules are by nature not going to be appropriate in all situations. ITAR is silly in so many ways but is an effort to not empower those who would force us to our knees.
America was founded by rebellion against authority. Now some would say tyranny. But it was the authority figure at that time.

Americans still rebel against authority. At times that's a bad thing that leads to lawlessness in some places. Yet when American's simply accept authority as a blanket without protest, that's the end of America as founded. Like Kitro said, there's a pendulum affect. Societal norms ebb and flow. As long as there are people who for example believe they should be allowed to install a flashlight in their windshield even though the authority says they cannot means the rebellion is still alive and well, agree or disagree with their belief.

When the entire populace says "well they say it's illegal so I won't do it" the authority has complete control. Tyranny results. History shows that. But that is a double edge sword too. If someone says they should be allowed to drive on "the wrong side of the road" we all probably agree that would not end up well. Yet in a free society that person should be allowed to believe that. To act upon it? Not a good idea.

My friends say "burning a flag in public should be illegal". I say "they have the right to do that as free speech, but there are laws about open burning that should be enforced when they burn the flag". When the authority bans speech "they don't agree with" that's going to lead to controlled speech by "them".

My dad used to say "in America you can say anything you want, just don't write it down" and "you can do anything you want as long as you don't get caught". He was very much a law abiding citizen but he also understood the term 'pirrhic victory' very well.
I know a couple of gals named Karen who are actually pretty cool. I prefer the term Mrs. Kravitz yet many have no idea who that is.

Things have gotten like they are and there's no turning back. It'll get worse and worse as the societal rot continues. Between selfishness, pride, stupidity and apethy it's a done deal. The snowball has turned into a giant boulder that is speeding down a hill towards a town called Liberty.
I watched the films Atlas Shrugged 1 and Atlas Shrugged 2 earlier this week, and we seem to be headed in the direction the films presented. If you haven't watched the films, I highly recommend that you take the time to watch them. They are or were, when I watched them, available to watch free with ads on youtube.
I watched the films Atlas Shrugged 1 and Atlas Shrugged 2 earlier this week, and we seem to be headed in the direction the films presented. If you haven't watched the films, I highly recommend that you take the time to watch them. They are or were, when I watched them, available to watch free with ads on youtube.
Read the original novel and ... this is a decidedly Underground conversation.
To hear a friend of mine tell it, a fire chief recently back from a three year job in Europe, fireworks are quite common and frequently used there without disproportionate risk to life, limb and property.
Lots of things are done differently in Europe. Just as an example, they use far fewer traffic signals, almost never use stop signs (yields are generally the rule to give one road priority over another), and favor roundabouts.

Why wouldn't this work here? Answer-general education level of the population. In Europe (and most of Asia) most of the population is generally far better educated than in the US. A high school degree is generally equivalent to a college degree here. As a result, you need fewer rules because you can rely on the general education level of the people to not do something stupid. Or at least to do stupid things far less. Speed limits in Europe are higher because drivers treat them as a maximum speed you may go under ideal circumstances. In the US we treat them more like a minimum speed. That's also why we use stop signs in the US instead of yields. We figure stop signs will at least get drivers to slow down a little. Same with the generally greater use of traffic signals. And forget roundabouts. I think they're great, but 90% of drivers here get confused when they see one. Sadly, with the level of driver training here, combined with the general level of education, we have to dumb things down to the point we script drivers for everything. Even then, we have a far worse record of road safety.

I don't like it. I hate nanny state laws just as much as the next guy. I wish we could at least maybe have some of the laws not apply if you pass a test to show you have a decent education level. I know that sounds elitist, but uneducated, ignorant people are why these silly laws get made in the first place. A cousin of mine mentioned once about a friend who enjoyed sticking firecrackers up the behinds of stray cats. And doing other really stupid things with them. This is why lots of places just outlaw fireworks. The cops can't determine on the fly who is and isn't going to use them properly, so they just confiscate them all.

As for the digs on blue states, these regulations have nothing to do with politics. In general places that vote blue tend to have higher population densities. To keep people safe, that usually implies some things you can do on an open range just aren't allowed in cities. I'm fine for example with the general NYC prohibition against carrying firearms, although I wish it were easier to keep weapons at home for home defense. I'm of mixed feelings about the ban on fireworks. It's not heavily enforced anyway judging by the racket I hear each year around July 4.
And back on topic I suspect that there will be regulation of li-ion cells - ala NYC's new rules on e-bike batteries - before anything regulates the intensity of flashlights. And for all the anger over laser pointers - especially green and blue models well outside of Class I - and their real potential for eye damage, they're still easy enough to obtain.
The EV and e-bike industry should be moving in the direction of using LiFePO4. That would solve all the explosion issues, and most of the fire ones (short circuits though can cause fires regardless of battery tech). I'd rather see regulations strongly encouraging that, along with offering subsidies to delivery people to buy the safer batteries.
...Getting back to the original subject of light regulation, this thread is the first I have heard about regulating flashlights--can you give more info or provide a link to some? I need to know how much time I have to stock up!
No citations, not even a name of a city. I suspect someone has been manipulated "Hey, you need to be angry about this!". Does anyone have a citation for regulations for flashlights? < crickets..>
Strange how those who would strip the rights of others under the guise of safety and unaccountable promises of the greater good always seek do so through the coercive engine of government then claim themselves the more cerebral and civilized.

The willingness to unleash statists in funny blue costumes with guns on their hips upon fellow citizens to ensure the steady and incremental removal and erosion of resources and rights... nothing new under the sun.

I dare not argue, just observing. Precious few have the ability to wrestle their worldview far enough away from their ego to admit error, smuther bias and doggedly chase ugly truth.

To be clear I do not measure ideas by consensus or preference but by reason and evidence. The more empirical the better but not always necessary.

Anyhow, reality is a lonely place. Made all the worse by the fact that we all rise with the tide no matter how cruel, dull and unintelligent it may be.
---Kitchen Panda--- An explanation of sources being little more than rumor was made clear with nothing more concrete being alluded. A speficic source of which was cited.
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