Suggestions for a 3D Mag


Newly Enlightened
Aug 16, 2008
I'm new to this modifying flashlights game(1st attempt) and looking for suggedtions for what to do to a 3D maglite, links to instructions and places to buy componants appreciated

I did a P7 3D mag and purchased everything here from people on this site, or a recomended site. You can complete a light for the same as I did for I think about $65.

P7 from PhotonPhanatic(cpf) 25-30
heatsink from britelumens(cpf), very nicely made, black ano 15
drivers and multimode controller from DX( 8
Wire from Mudmancj(cpf) 7
UCL lense ( 3

I made the driver solution as you see in stephans how to thread. If you have any questions...

There you go. All you need to do is get some batteries....:)
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Get your checkbook/PayPal out and get:

1 - 9xAA FiveMega battery holder

1- FM dual cam aluminum reflector (8.XX something mm is the one you want)

1- AW replacement D incan switch (3 levels....sweet) (B/S/T forum?)

1- borofloat lense from Lighthound

1 - couple of WA1185 bulbs (Litho has them on the B/S/T forum (I think) and others too besides Bulbconnection)

9- Sanyo Eneloop batteries with charger (unless you already have one...but that's a whole other thread here)

That's it, wait for everything to come in the mail. Charge batteries up, put everything together after dinner time (think dark) then go out side and prepare to giggle like a little kid (because you will....I know it's crazy....but this light is crazy too)

Bob E.