Super bright bouncer light.



Alrighty folks, here goes. I'm work as an electronic engineering technologist for a company making fluorescence equipment ( I am also a bouncer. I need an EXTREMELY BRIGHT LED light for my job. The more rugged the better but brightness is of the utmost importance. If another bouncer doesn't see me instantly; I might be hurt pretty badly. Any advice or info? Thanks.
I just got my photon 3 (turquoise), and its extremely small and bright. The strobe mode is a very good attention getter (you get 3 strobe speeds). Its also insanely rugged. I suggest it. What kind of lighting conditions will you be in? LEDs are much harder to see in daylight, but in dim or dark areas this thing will def. shine.
Ok, so are you looking for a light to use for illumination or to get someone's attention or both?? Does it need to be small and descrete or can it be something serious, maybe that could be used as a defensive weapon if needed???? Any sort of price range that you want to stay in?
I may be prejudice but I would go for an Inova X5T for your application. Rugged, Momentary switch for checking a quick I.D. or signaling a partner or locked on for longer tasks. The rugged water proof housing will take a lot more abuse than a smaller lights but it still disappears into your back pocket. LEDS are recessed to protect them from impact and are bright enough to make a drunk squint.
it bugs me when someone starts the same thread in two different groups. two seperate conversations about the exact same topic. irk.

the little things in life are what finally kill you =P.
papasan, fixed, it bugs me also, and it is confusing.

Anyway, I would suggest a Surefire E2 or E2e. That would also give you the option of flashing the light in someone's eyes. I wouldn't recommend doing it personally but if your a bouncer the need may arise. The light is small enough that it shouldn't get in your way and is still quite durable.
Ok I still think that if you do a LED you need a luxeon but I think you might be better off with something like a Surfire E2 or something along those lines. When they get them out, another thing that might work would be an Eternalight that turned on right into Dazzle mode!
I would go for an Inova X5T for your application
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I would not recommend the X5T. A friend of mine recently dropped his less then 3 feet onto a hard surface. The light is dead.

I know you said an LED light but for your use but I would suggest a Surefire E2e or M2 (with the Tactical Impact Device accessory).


I think that TID is cool, but it would subject the bar owner to incredible liability -- I would never even remotely consider letting my bouncers carry something like that. Can you imagine what happens when the first patron sues you and they hold that thing up in court in front of a jury?

Personally though, I would probably go with an E2, even though it's not an LED. If a colored light would get your backup's attention more quickly (not always true in a bar), slap a blue beamfilter on it.

Otherwise I"d be looking at the Arc LS w/ 2AA, or the Inova X5T, or that hot LS mod someone here used to sell.

[ edit: Oops! I wouldn't go with any twist-on light. Remove the Arc LS from the above! ]

I thought about Arc AAA or LS but he might want to flash the light which, at current, is hardly possible! Arc LS second kit (which would be fine for this applicaton) is cheaper than a Surefire, maybe somone can machine a body with a switch for him...
Re-thinking, I agree with Joe. Small,compact,bright,blinding go with something from Surefire. If it needs to be an LED go with X5T. Avoid the liability of the TID. I can see the lawyers having a field day with the issues of training and escalation of force.
any light can break. surefires have been known to quit working while just sitting on the table but does everyone say don't buy a surefire? i own the x5t now and think its a very reliable light. more reliable than any surefire until their ls lights come out. for the money the x5t is the brightest led light in its class without going to modified lights or the expensive arc ls.
Inova x-5t I agree would be the best for your situation there pal!
A Photon 3 is a good choice; there is also the Streamlight Stylus 3. I own one of these and I can attest to it. On Craig's site:

"It has no trouble at all illuminating a 11'x20' room, and even lights the ten additional feet from the hallway to my front door. That's 30 feet; when most white single-LED lights kind of peter out at between 10 and 20 feet."
Craig's Review of the Streamlight Stylus 3

I recommend white since it's a good attention getter and it's rugged; it's made out of tempered aircraft aluminum. And Streamlight makes products leaned toward law enforcement use.

There's also the Batonlite from Streamlight; you can use it for self defense. (I don't own it, though.)

Hope you find your light!
Why the LED requirement? If extremely bright is the requirement, go with a xenon bulb flashlight. The Brinkman LX is "extremely bright" and only runs $20. Of course if you want to spend more, checkout the Surfires.

RonM - Let your light shine.
Ok...a friend here actually has a surefire e2. It's bright but I think I'm going to persue the LED light. Is there anything brighter than the arc light (LS). What exactly is a TID?
Alrighty then. Using one of those would get me into lots of trouble really quick. Thanks though.
i own both an x5-t and a batonlite. i recommend the batonlite for two reasons, when looking at the light from up to 75 feet it is as visible as the x5-t, and it is a kubotan as well. a kubotan is an excellent defensive tool in the right hands.
I would look at an E2e, and hope that some point in the future Surefire will actually release the luxeon star bulbs for it. Very bright as it is, and will still be quite bright and should run a long time on the LS bulb. I have an X5T, and just am not that impressed by its brightness (when compared to the surefires), plus it is slightly larger and heavier than the E2e.

I would stay far, far way from the TID. It attempts (and probably succeds) to turn your otherwise legal flashlight into a more aggressive impact weapon, and could cause very serious injury and permenant scars. It has it's place, and if I would kicking in a door to a meth lab I suspect I might have one, but it is not what I would want for dealing with drunks in a bar.

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