Surefire 6Z vs.6P

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Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2000
east Tennessee
I'm new to the flashlight business, and an acquaintance recommended a 6P for use in a pistol training course I'm scheduled to take in the near future. In reviewing the Surefire website, the 6Z seems marginally more attractive for this type work, and it only costs an additional $12. Anybody out there who can offer a candid comparison of each of these lights. To this neophyte, the 6Z seems like the better deal, because it comes with a clip and lanyard; and a holster is available that works nicely with the clip and lanyard. Did I miss something?


The 6Z and 6P use identical lamp assemblies, and identical power sources (2 3V lithium cells). The 6Z is designed to be used with a few different handgun/light combo. techniques. Judging from your usage needs, the 6Z would work out fine.

Hey Ralph! Good to see another East Tennessean here!

You might also check out the M2 as you may have already heard about. Nice set of features but more expensive.

The Streamlight Scorpion is a good choice it you think you will use the flashlight for utility as well and as a tac light second.


Clay Fleischer
[email protected]

"More light!" -Goethe
Re: The "House" Flashlight

Our general house light is a 2D mag/malkoff drop-in with a strike bezel and breaker tail. Powered by 10k nimhs, bright and runs for a long time. Have a couple bigger ones, but just a little heavy for my wife.
Must be a world record. I'll close it as pointless necro-bump; if the OP is still alive and would like me to re-open it, please PM me.
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