SureFire A2 Aviator...avalibility??? Price???


Newly Enlightened
Jan 20, 2002
Anyone have any price/avalibility info to share on the SureFire A2???

Thanks in advance.
Oh, not for at least a couple months - at least.
Somewhere on the SFDB PK gave an estimation, but it was at least a few months away. Price TBD. My guess: around $110.

Last reply from cservise was 4-6 month. No price.

p.s. Probably by October
The A2 looks like it could replace my E2, I just wish it would come out sooner.

The only possible problem with the A2 is that it's 5.9" long. That's the same length as my 2 AA mini-mag.
My E2 is only 4.5" long.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sean:
The A2 looks like it could replace my E2, I just wish it would come out sooner.

The only possible problem with the A2 is that it's 5.9" long. That's the same length as my 2 AA mini-mag.
My E2 is only 4.5" long.

I didn't realize that the A2 was that much bigger than an E2. Silly me, thinking that the regulator would be the size of the circuit board in an Arc-AAA....IMHO the longer length of the E2e over the E2 was just another strike against it, and it isn't anywhere near as big a difference.... I hope SureFire introduces holsters in a reasonable amoint of time for their new lights. How long has the E2 been in production, now, and still no holster for it.....?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sean:
...The only possible problem with the A2 is that it's 5.9" long. That's the same length as my 2 AA mini-mag.
My E2 is only 4.5" long.

That is a very significant 30% increase in length over the E2, quite disappointing especially when you consider a likely increase in weight. Even if this was a digitized version of a 6P/D2 it would still be an 18% size increase over the original.

I'm still not clear about whether the LED option is a separate module, or integrated into the incandescent reflector assembly. If the latter, won't it compromise beam quality and brightness?

My main consideration is the V regulation. If the A2 can really provide 50m -1 hr BRIGHT runtime, regardless of battery type, then it would be a true breakthrough, and possibly worth the considerable increase in size and weight. (not to mention the price).

twiddle dee, twiddle dum....

the a1 specs are changing as we speak according to pk (shorter in length) also, the head diameter may change to accomodate a HOLA

(I told pk how diappointed I was that he was not at the Shot Show on Sunday blah blah) The end result of my conversation is sometime next week I hope to go to Fontain Valley and "visit"... On the agenda, a "head to head" comparison L1 and ARC LS... more to follow
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr Ted Bear:
twiddle dee, twiddle dum....

the a1 specs are changing as we speak according to pk (shorter in length) also, the head diameter may change to accomodate a HOLA

(I told pk how diappointed I was that he was not at the Shot Show on Sunday blah blah) The end result of my conversation is sometime next week I hope to go to Fontain Valley and "visit"... On the agenda, a "head to head" comparison L1 and ARC LS... more to follow

The news just keeps getting better!

Actually, I hope there is at least one digital fusion series light that stays the same diameter as the E2 for those of us who like the portability factor. The A2 would be perfect if it was just a little shorter.

Also, maybe you could be gracious enough to ask pk if there is any possibility of an "A2" type light with more than 3 LED's imbeded in the refector (maybe 4 or 5). Then it could replace my E2 & my X5.
I am anxious for the A2 to arrive b/c I have a M2 that I would like to keep a p61 in for tactical use...while using the new A2 (with a lower output bulb & red LEDs) as my "task-light."

That brings me to another question...does anyone know if the A2 is as water-resistant as the E2 (w/ lexan lens) or is it up to specs with the M2 (pyrex lens)?

Either way, I'll still keep my lithium-motivated CMG infinity tied to my map pouch and a few Arc-LEs on my keychains. BTW, I am going to be posting some lights for sale soon...
pk told me that the A2 is as waterproof as any of the M series as the seal construction is the "same". Howvever, for what ever reason, SF does not "market" the A2 as being waterproof to 30m (100ft). pk also noted, that for those in need, the A2 could be certified waterproof to 30m

As a side note, I have an e2, and I asked PK if they were water resistant/proof and he said no really designed as ... and that leakage occurs at the lens/bezel and not at the tail switch, and as the lexan lens is a press fit, some are more water resistant than others (i love run on sentences that are a paragraph in length)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr Ted Bear:
pk told me that the A2 is as waterproof as any of the M series ...

... I have an e2, and I asked PK if they were water resistant/proof and he said ... leakage occurs at the lens/bezel and not at the tail switch, ...

Ted, the M-series is guaranteed to 10m. An "N-Certified" model is rated to 33m.

But that info on the E2 is hot stuff !! I wanted to know that for my E2 waterproofing project. I have noticed that the E2 lens flexes inwards if pushed, and that jewellers rouge will get past the lens - it sits on a flat section rubber ring.

So now I can get some Loctite 5366, and just treat the tailcap, seal around the lens and it'll be waterproofed.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr Ted Bear:
pk told me that the A2 is as waterproof as any of the M series as the seal construction is the "same"... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nuff said. I need the extra assurance, so I won't mind shelling out a little more for a certified A2...I'm just glad that they will made well enough to hold their own next to my M2.

Thanks for your input!!!
PK gave me an intro (at the SHOT Show) of most of the new stuff this year. When he got to the A2 Aviator he commented about how it was SureFire's answer to having to use keychain LED lights for some tasks and then another (brighter) light for others.

He didn't explicitly say this, but I think the idea is that the versatility of the A2's dual illumination outweighs the slight increase in size compared to an E2e.

FWIW, here's a scan of the prototype that's picture in the current 2002 catalog. (Picture by photographer Ichiro Nagata)

The A2 looks great!!!

Would also want to see this "fusion technology" on other models, like the M2D.
Great torch though.

Yeah, why not! Shock Isolated LEDs - What we've always needed!

How many LEDs can PK put in the M3D and still get a great main beam? Five?

LockOut TailCaps are sealed tighter then a duck's arse. Bezels are the trouble - Lexan has been one of the weakest links, but now that Pyrex is being used, seals are more effective.

The A2 looks great. I suspect the longer width is due to the regulator. Looks like it has a clickie tail swicth also?

The ad states this was made for pilots and I suspect this will be popular. One needs a strong light to preflight a large airplane but its much too bright in the cockpit.

The Leds will do this job nicely, I hope the beam quality with the LEDs is as good as the lamp.