JackBlades...I'm glad you asked that question. I for got to mention that when my bulb finally pooped out, so did I. I was very angry to find out that my bulb died before its suggested life expectancy. So i ranted and ranted on this board and asked if my bulb was a dud.
I finally built up the courage to call Surefire customer support to ask for a new bulb. I'm not one ask for things for free, so it was pretty hard for me to ask for a replacement.
I told the CS agent how my bulb just blew out after only 8 sets of batteries. I asked her how i can order another one using money order and where i have to send payment. She, in turn, asked my for my name, address, and phone number. Without asking why, i gave her my info. After i had given my info she said. "Thank you, your new E2 bulb is on its way."
I was like, "WHOA! are you serious? I don't have to pay for it?" She said, "Sir, here at Surefire, out goal is to KEEP our customers, not turn them away. Sometimes our products do not live up to what they are claimed, and if we don't back them up, then neither would our customers."
Now THAT is customer serive! I'm not the only one who has experieced their customer service either. People have dead batteries, dead M6, 8Ax, 9Ax bulbs that have been replaced immediately, no questions asked. Just ask around, Surfire CS is great!
So to answer your question, Surefire will MORE THAT LIKELY repalce the bulb, free of charge (free of shipping charges too), if you tell them that it pooped out before its suggested life cycle.