Surefire E series Turboheads


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2001
IL, near St. Louis MO
Any idea when the E1e & E2e turboheads will be released?

Will it use the standard LAs or will it use a special one?

Does anyone believe these will be very useful at 15/60 lumens or will there be a HOLA for the turboheads?

Anyone know or care to guess?

As far as I know, they are not going to production. Just a proto.

Paul or Al, please tell me I am wrong.
I would love to have E2eT. Actually, it is the most desired SF for me. E2eT with SAS - my dream light.
I'm uncertain if there are any plans for the E Series mini turbos. These used the standard lamps.

It should be noted that they do not produce a tight beam like the larger TurboHead, they give the light more impact. They are more effective as a "force" of light.

The difference is more significant for the beheld rather then the beholder.

The beholder is the one holding the flashlight, and the beheld is the one being held by the beam.

I asked PK if these protoz produced narrow beams for longer range illumination like the TurboHeads, and he said they don't, rather they give the beam more punch at closer range.

I have not compared the two beams side-by-side so I'm just passing on information (as accurately as I can remember it)

cool count me in if they are produced my e2e is waiting...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sean:
Any idea when the E1e & E2e turboheads will be released?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That poor little E2 just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Eventually it will evolve into a 10,000 lumen 3 foot long 20 pound light. They'll call it the E-HERNIA.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by brightnorm:
That poor little E2 just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Eventually it will evolve into a 10,000 lumen 3 foot long 20 pound light. They'll call it the E-HERNIA.



Very good!

So,in other words, it will be a 6 D cell Maglite with a Surefire lamp, more or less...