Surefire E1e + KL1 will no longer be my EDC!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2002
Grand Rapids
Well in a little over one year I have lost my second E1e with a nice white modded KL1 on it. This light's clip is just not sufficient to hold the light in your pocket. Yes that's right folks I am actually saying something negative about Surefire. I have only lost two lights ever, and both have been E1e's. So I am now in search of a new EDC. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
JT, you need the two-SF123A body - even with the short clip I find it far more secure, well balanced and less likely to turn out of my pocket.
This is one of the reasons why the A2 and L2 are so great - they ride so well clipped in my pocket.

I've lost an E2 - slipped out of my pocket while I was drunk in a cab in London... It's not a nice thing at all to happen. Twice - I think it's time you changed EDC.

This is interesting, as in the summer or fall I'm going to buy a Surefire. Just ordered the T3/Ultra-G combo from countycomm to play with. I was already planning on getting the E2E+KL1 combo and then a G2.

Am I right in thinking that the E2E is a better choice than the E1E in that it has more options for modular combinations. Such as using a Pila, replacing with a high-output lamp, using an E2D bezel, replacing with a longer-pocket clip etc?
I never rely on clips or lanyards. Always use holsters I do believe this personally.
Since I sold my ARC LSH-P an E1e + KL1 has become my EDC. I wouldn't think of carrying it clipped to my pocket though. It currently resides inside my pocket, and as soon as I get around to it I'll attach a short lanyard to the light that will be clipped to a belt loop, the same way I used to carry my ACR LSH-P, virtually impossible to lose that way unless someone rips my pants off. Carrying something somewhat bulky like a flashlight clipped to my pocket is a real hazard around a car's paint. I've seen a lot of scratched paint jobs from careless people with big belt buckles or things clipped to pockets. No thanks. An E1e is plenty small to ride inside my pocket.

I have had to carry thing's on clip's, in pouch's, holster's, etc, and really find that anything can get lost if it can be taken off or opened.

In the music biz, and theater, film/AV, if it's something that is used often it is almost alway's on a lanyard.
It's not everyone's fav even those that use one,(me) but even with a heavy object like a director's viewer, it keeps things "leashed"
Often for heavier light's, (my KL-1/VG is on the heavy side, compared to my incan E1e, LSH-P, etc. must be the optic) and I will put the light in a jacket pocket while still on the lanyard as do people that carry a director's viewer, or key's, so on.
My brand new KL-1 got all scratched up when my EDC product's holster that I never had trouble with, attached to my maxpedition mini bugout bag thing(man purse /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grinser2.gif) just came un-velcroed. So more then ever i still stick with
a lanyard for light's.
I have a long clip I tried for my E-series light's, and that really don't seem all that more secure.

I guess i should ask how you do carry your E1e, and what limit's on your options on carry far as on the job/wardrobe go. VDG
FF~2 with the two stage switch makes for a very compact and useful EDC. Just drop it in your pocket. My personal FF~2 uses a MM+ Lite sammy in an Aluminum head with the optional CR2 pack. For me, this is the ultimate (currently available) EDC flashlight.

I totally understand about the e1e clip bein inadequate. I usually EDC an A2, but with a holster on my belt. But if I am going to a more formal occasion, I feel rather awkward having my standard flashlight and wave on my belt. So I do without my wave completely (dont worry, i still have a SAK and squirt on my keys for basic needs) and carry my E2d. I tried using the E1E with KL1, but the head is too big and protrudes out of the pocket. Im afraid im gonna damage the lens or just knock it out. It might be small enuf for completely in the pocket, but I carry other things in there that are somewhat delicate (like a silver money clip and a bluetooth headset...i'd rather not have the clip scratched up or my headset marred to death). I know the surefires are HAIII, but if i put them in the other pocket with my keys...I'm sure it'll scracth up a lil (besides having a huge bulk on my pocket). The E2D fits really nice clipped to my pocket. I will admit its tuff getting things out of the pocket...esp with the scallped bezel...but i use it rather than my e2e cuz of the black color...less eye catching esp if im in formal pants.
I have several E1e's I carry all the time. Oddly enough, the finish on the clip is virtually gone, and the HA on the E1e looks almost new.

Normally I carry it inside my pocket with the clip outside.

Does anyone know of where you can find a secure holster that will hold E1 and E2 sized lights securely?
My E1e + KL4 combo (TW4) came unclipped from my pocket while relaxing in a recliner at work. Fortunately, most people know I'm a 'flashlight freak' and an honest man returned it to me. He was VERY impressed with the power (I believe my KL4 is W or X bin.

Out of his price range, though. I rewarded his honesty with a free Q-III (SWOK bin). He loves it!
I was a knife guy first (I'll bet a decent number of us were) and would like to think that I have lots of experience with various clip designs. That said, I've never liked the design of most SF clips.

The gap between clip and light gets dramatically smaller near the mounting end of the clip (newest design at least). This makes secure carry on thick material sketchy, and the light will likely not allow the material to wedge itself the full length of the clip.

Also, having anywhere near 50% of the total mass or volume of the light hanging ABOVE the highest point of the clip makes for a light that would be more at rest by jumping out of your pocket onto the ground.

The incan head is the smallest, and the KL4's and old KL1's are about the same in the middle, but the new KL1 is longest and would make the clip seem even worse.

My solution?

My setup includes a modded old KL1 on Vital gear 1 cell and a KL4 on a second one. Tip down, with (nearly) the entire thing below the top of the pants. Just tighten the clip. Great body for whatever you want as an EDC.
jeepinpaul said:
I use the Vital Gear FB1 body w/ my KL1 & it is secure in the pocket, bezel down. Great set-up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here
I just keep my L4 in my hand.. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif It looks a little out of place on the beach, but hey, I always know where it is..
I fear the loss, I have a habit of losing things and I don't want this added to the list. Every time I go drinking the first thing I do in the morning is check my nightstand.. So far so good.
If it's not on the nightstand it is bound to be rolling around in the bed with us, and I'll tell ya, a cold aluminum flashlight is not hard to find in a bed during a Canadian winter.
The large SAK sheath fits my E1e + Kl1 perfectly, and they're pretty inexpensive. Since it's not a clip on sheath (it has a leather loop sewn on), it can't pop off my belt. It also has a snap, not velcro.

If I didn't have one of these sheaths, I'd have a heavy duty lanyard on the light and I'd keep it in a really deep pocket.

I'm always leaving stuff lying around but that SF never, ever gets out of reach.
I still EDC my e1e+kl1(E1L). I haven't lost it yet, and am planning to keep it longer than my L1.(1 month or two)

I think I might get the the L2 as my new EDC.

Yeah, the E1e + KL1 is awkard to carry clipped into a shirt pocket. The KL1 makes the light way too top heavy, so the light wants to just flip out of my pocket and the clip doesn't hold it securely unless I'm wearing a rather thick shirt. That is bad news. I was kind of surprised by this, as the L1's clip is so tight that it's sometimes hard to get it clipped onto my pocket, but no way is going to let go accidently. Maybe they'll fix this on the E1L.

However, I still EDC the light - I just carry it in the pocket of my slacks. It's pretty small and no big deal for me to do this.
I love the e1e+kl1. It is the perfect little light.. besides maybe the arcs... I cant really afford them and 100 dollars for the e1e+kl1 is worth it..


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