Hey guys,
Which light would you choose for yourself as an EDC light?
I currently carry a messenger bag so size isn't an issue.
I have read up on reviews on both but I can't seem to come to a conclusion.
My uses for a flashlight like this would be for camping, hiking, or looking for things in the dark (for example, dropping a pocketknife in the dirt as I was walking and realized it 5 minutes after when I'm x-amount of feet away)
Much appreciated,
Also, alternatives to similar performance lights are welcomed. (chargeable, bezel tip, etc.
Which light would you choose for yourself as an EDC light?
I currently carry a messenger bag so size isn't an issue.
I have read up on reviews on both but I can't seem to come to a conclusion.
My uses for a flashlight like this would be for camping, hiking, or looking for things in the dark (for example, dropping a pocketknife in the dirt as I was walking and realized it 5 minutes after when I'm x-amount of feet away)
Much appreciated,
Also, alternatives to similar performance lights are welcomed. (chargeable, bezel tip, etc.