We have two of these lights in-house.
One thing I've noticed with high-candela lights is that you can't eyeball the intensity of the hotspot indoors or at close distances (or even through beamshots). You have to use it for a couple days, out in the dark, illuminating objects at long distances and punching through the window tint on cars. This goes for all current market offerings in my experience.
After living with the SureFire a few days, I can testify to its quality, fit and finish. While it's fairly long, it's very slim, which makes it nice to carry. For tactical use, the light is totally blinding at medium range.
I know a lot of guys like the floodier, higher-lumen, higher CRI lights. This light isn't for those guys.
I myself always want more candela while maintaining enough spill for situational awareness. Candela is an extremely useful tool and I feel hamstrung without it. I want to be able to identify potential threats and avoid them while they are still far away. Without candela, I can't do that. For my purposes, then, the new SureFire is an industry-leading option from a solid company. If I do need to do admin work around the shop, then the SureFire has a low mode. Best of both worlds.
My preferences aside, it's nice to see an offering from SureFire that's competitive on price, quality
and specs. Feels like the first time in a while.
@Monocrom @tango44 is there another high-candela offering on the market that you guys prefer over the SureFire? What's your preferred high-candela EDC?