Surefire for Every Day Carry?



Hello Everyone,
I'm new to CPF, and I find myself in a quandary that I hope some of you people with more severe gadget problems then I can lend a hand. I recently traded my 6P with the P61 lamp, (For 8 Traser Glowrings)which was my EDC because I was intrigued by the Surefire lights with the pocket clips. The 2 models I am most interested are the E2 and M2 Centurion. The pocket clip seems much more accessable for carry, but I just can't decide which one is for me. I would like the most powerful light available, but I don't want it to be too bulky and awkward. What are some of your opinions? M2 to big to fit in pocket well? E2 not powerful enough? Thanks in advance guys.
Hi, Chris Connolly. Nice to see a new face.

I, too was torn between the E2 and M2, but decided on the E2 because of its smaller size. And I have not been disappointed. I carry the E2 with me just about everywhere I go. It provides an amazing amount of light for its size already, but I believe SureFire is working on a higher output lamp for the E2(approx. 100 lumens). Check out the SureFire website( If you join their Discussion Board, there is quite a bit of information/discussion about the E2.

Just my opinion...
Haven't played with an M2, but absolutely love my E2. Fits into the pocket perfectly and is now EDC.

However, ironically for your question, the part I like least is the pocket clip. I think the metal design in combo with the clip could help wear out pants/belts/etc.

It looks like this is remedied with the elite version that matches the clip with smooth metal.

I just don't use the clip...and it still fits perfectly in my pocket. (An E3 would fit perfect in my pocket as well...hint...hint...)

If you can wait you may want to hold out for the E2 elite...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>E2 not powerful enough? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Between the E2 and M2 there is only a negligible 5 lumen difference (60 vs 65) in brightness. But the E2 burns 15 mins longer and replacement bulbs are cheaper. Plus the E2 is a smaller size. My vote goes to the E2.
I am also going through a Surefire decision- I have been for the last half a year!
I have had my eye on the 6P. Why is it not a very preferable light? Everyone seems to go the E2.
I ultimately would rather a rechargeable- Are the reachargeable Surefire's (or 6P conversion) reliable? I have heard reports that the NiCad's aren't that great.
What is the best rechargeable small flashlight?
Go ahead and get an E2, you won't be sorry. In all the multitude of posts that I have seen both here and on the SureFire site, I have never heard one person ever regret buying an E2.

Don't forget that the E2 offers about 15 minutes of additional runtime too. Also, in my opinion, the beam produced by the E2 is better and more useful. Of course this is only my opinion. The runtime on the other hand, is a fact

I cant get why all the anguish. Just think you could be enjoying the E2. I love mine. Go for it. You wont be sorry. Heck, you will be in a fine position when the new bulbs come out.
E1 is my everyday carry. Between the E2 and M2, it's a no brainer for me, I'd pick the E2. I pick the M2 only when I will specifically be using the light with a handgun, or I need the water resistance.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by melmso:
I ultimately would rather a rechargeable- Are the reachargeable Surefire's (or 6P conversion) reliable? I have heard reports that the NiCad's aren't that great.
What is the best rechargeable small flashlight?

I also read that they werent using top of the line Nicads, but that was some time ago. Has that changed?

Does anyone know if the surefire Nicad packs are a standard size? If they are, you could buy a replacement at a battery store. (There are dedicated battery stores here in Korea with all differetn types sizes of batteries.) If not, could you make a battery pack using individual cells?

I am interested in the 9AN.
I often bring my 6P outside, look like a FBI agent, sometime I take the 12PM for special use. Sure Fire is very useful and powerful
light tool.