Surefire G2 and E2E question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2003
Nashville TN
I bought a G2 about a month and just couldn't believe the throw this light has for the size. The only problem I have with it is the switch. I just bought an E2E with Z57 but the light doesn't have the same throw. Is it mainly because the head is larger on the G2 or are there big performance differences between the MN03 and the p60 in terms of throw? Has anyone ever noticed a big difference in throw in your light after replacing lamps (Are the lamps consistent from Surefire)? I'm not complaining at all about the E2E, it's a very nice light but I thought the throw would be about the same because the output rating is only 5 lumens apart.
Oh boy, you better do a search on throw versus output, this topic hjas been talked about on a bi-daily basis here.

THe short version of the story: throw does not equal throw, and reflector size makesa huge difference. THe MN03 in E2e is rated at 1300 lux versus 4000+ for the P60.

For more info, type in "throw output surefire" in the search function
The simple answer : the E2e will not reach as far as a P60. The smaller reflector does have something to do it, as the beam tends to spread out a little. It does have a larger corona than my P60 based lights. 1" bezel vs 1.25" may not seem like much, but it is.
Also, if you want to love everything about your G2, check out some of the threads explaining how to install a Garrity light 'clickie' into it. I didn't like the switch either, until I did this swap.
I have a SF clickie that I stick on when I want that kind of stuff. I like the PTL switch for the most part, though, especially with the P61 HOLA. .
Lamps, from what I understand, kinda fall on a curve. Looking at runtime before burnout, for example, most will last for a fairly set amount of time. There will be the oddities that blow as soon as they light up, and there will be some that last for ages. There aren't many *junk* lamps coming out of SF, but they do happen.

I don't know about the Garrity mod, but the same clickie I use on the G2 will fit on the 6P, D2, etc. .