Surefire L1 Low Output / Introduction to the forum


Mar 3, 2005
Nashville, TN
Howdy everybody. I am a long time lurker new poster. Some of you may know me from some gun forums as I recognize some names here and God knows we gun nuts do have a fetish for lights as well, but I digress.

As far as flashlights go I have always had a bit of a fascination/interest in "portable" light. My personal mantra is everybody should at all times have on their person, a good blade, a rudimentary set of tools(Swiss Army knife, Leatherman etc.), a way to make fire and a way to make light. That being said I am not a total idiot as far as this who flashlight thing is concerned but I am not near as well versed as you folks.

As far as modding goes, I don't think I will be ramming a runway light into a mini maglite anytime soon but I did put in a couple of MJLED's with great results. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Ok so now that we got the introduction out of the way my question. I recently picked up my first Surefire, an E1L and I have to say it is the perfect carry light for me. It has displaced my Inova T1 which I love but the Surefire is a hair shorter and seems to have a hair more throw and output. So being I love this little guy so much and I really like the idea of having some super long runtime lights around as well I have been looking at the Surefire L1.

My question is I can't seem to figure out how to compare the low beam setting. I want to have some idea as to what it compares to before buying. Now I have a Forever Light III, one of those shake and bake emergency gimmic lights, actually it is pretty useful for what it is. Flashlight Reviews has the AIT Nightstar 1 at .73 overall output and the L1 on low at .70. So based on what I have read my Forever light should be equivilent and actually be less bright then the Nightstar. If this is the case that at full charge/shake my forever light should compare to the L1 on low, correct????? If so I am sold as that level of light is perfectly useable for emergency/long life situations or just plain reading or low light navigation. If it is a lot lower then it may be too low for my needs.

So can anybody give me a point of reference for the low beam setting?

Sorry for the huge first post but I figured you'd want the background before the question, gotta keep the riff raff out right /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Before anybody asks I have the following lights.
Surefire E1L
Surefire A2 Aviator
Inova T1
Inova T2(2)
Inova X03 with T1 tail cap.
Inova X5T(3)
Two MJLED Mini Maglites
An old first gen crappy LED light.
Streamlight Keymate
Streamlight TL2 Incan.
Two BAM's (Big ***'d Maglites)
A sprinkling of various other cheap lights.
The afore mentioned Forever Light
A regular Mini Maglite
Couple Eveready lantern/flashlight things.

Oh and for you old school folks.......
Three oil burning lamps and a some candles too.

I just got a 1W L1 the new ones are 3W but underdriven so YMMV /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I compared my MJLED(first batch) miniMag to the low and it is similar at about 25 feet indoors. The L1 has a tighter spot and a better defined edge, not as much spill. Hope that helps.

Welcome /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif
Why don't you get a two stage tail cap from McGizmo, and put in on your E1L. You can even buy several different resistor boards and change the low level output to your liking. It's called McE2S, and comes in several "flavors". Look in the McGizmo forum.

Re: Surefire L1 Low Output / Introduction to the f

I don't have answers but that is a neat introduction! Look forward to your posts!
Re: Surefire L1 Low Output / Introduction to the f


Why don't you get a two stage tail cap from McGizmo, and put in on your E1L.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now how the hell do you expect me to justify a new toy with good solid logical and economical advice such as that. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Let's be honest. I don't need a new light. Look at my first post. I have more than enough lights to easily fit any lighting need I may have. So finding a "need" for a light or a gun for that matter has become tough. To be honest I am looking at the L1 for two reasons. I like the long long run time on low and it is a fun new toy.

Ok that being said I actually just broke down and picked up an L1 from a local dealer earlier today and I really like it. It is a tad softer than my E1L in terms of brightness but that could be due to battery or LED variation. Other than that it seems like a wonderful light. High is very bright, plenty bright for any real world use and the low setting is actually very usable with good throw.

As a test I set the light into low and did the ole' ceiling bounce in our walk in closet with all the lights off door closed etc. and changes clothes. The light on low gave off plenty of light to perform this function and has more than enough light to read or navigate by indoors. The light may be enough to navigate outdoors but seems to be just a bit too low and too much of a spot for outdoor nav. All in all I am thrilled with this light as the low really seems to be a viable option for many things and I was looking for runtime and I think this low beam will give me long run times with a pretty useful beam.

Now as for that sound economical and practical advice as given above, that will be enough of that. I come to these forums to have people tell me to "BUY BOTH" not to give me sound, sane, economical options. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

The sad thing is I was already thinking of adding the McGizmo tail cap to my E1L /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif

Anyway thank for all the help. Take care and be safe.

Re: Surefire L1 Low Output / Introduction to the f

Year sorry about the AA-meeting attitude /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif Congrats on your L1
Re: Surefire L1 Low Output / Introduction to the f

Year sorry about the AA-meeting attitude

[/ QUOTE ]

No problem I was just joking. I like picking up new toys so I am always looking for an excus...I mean reason to justify their purchase. My wife thinks I'm crazy but loves me anyway. It's like having a cute five year old who can take care of himself. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif Newsflash I have just been informed it is more like three years old. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif