Surefire M3T or M3 with extra Turbo head


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 22, 2001
Graham, NC
After numerous requests submitted to Purchasing, my request for a M3T has been approved. Now my question is, AGR(Arizona Gun Runner) has the M3T for $193 and the M3 on sale at $140, normal price is $157. AGR also has the turbo head for $77. Total for both is $217(140+77). For the extra $24, is it worth it to have both?
I am leaning towards the M3 plus Turbo.
Without meaning to offend (!)

Are you CRAZY?!!


If you get both, compared to if you get the M3 and the Millennium TurboHead, it'll cost you an extra $116 according to my maths and the figures you've given. So for that $116, you're getting the M3 Body with TailCap, 3 batteries, Two Lamps, One Lanyard.
That's two fully functioning lights.

Another route could be to get the M3T and the M3 Bezel (and both lamps - atleast one of each) This may work out cheaper. I believe the M3 Bezel is the Z46 (??) but I don't have access to my files right now.

Please! Get both - you'll love them!

Don't forget the 72 pack of SF123As while you're at it...

Size15s. No offence taken. Good way to make a point. I cannot access AGR(blocked site) at this time but will later today to check the price for a Z46.
AGR price's
m3.......157 on sale at 140
Oh, 2% off on orders >$100
I cannot get approval from Purchasing at this time for $332.

Thanks Al
For the extra $24, is it worth it to have both?
I am leaning towards the M3 plus Turbo.
I don't own the M3, or any of the turbo heads, but depending on what you need the light to do, I would think the M3 & the seperate head would be the way to go. Do the bulbs come with the turbo head? If not, that's another cost to consider. The reason I'ld opt for the M3 + Turbo head is that even though the tight beam can be very useful in some situations, the wider beam of the M3 would be more practical for everyday use. Just my opinion. TX
Great advice all. I will order the M3 and the Turbo head. One more thing to ask. I saw on the SF forum that a new and improved M3 is or has been out. How can I be sure which is which when I order. I will be buying from AGR. Should I speak to anyone special there?
Oh, in answer to txwest, yes the Turbo head comes with both bulbs.
Oh, in answer to txwest, yes the Turbo head comes with both bulbs.
That's another reason to get the turbo head as an additional item. You're getting about $40 worth of bulbs for your extra $24. Talk to Gary at AGR. TX
I'm sorry, please can you show me the link where you can buy a Millennium TurboHead with both Lamp Modules?

Is this a specific M3 to M3T upgrade? (TurboHead with MN15 & MN16)

Size15s. quote"I,m sorry" endquote. Oh, Oh. I'm in deep do-do now. I may(read most likly) be in error. I will recheck. In answer to your question, yes, this is an upgrade from M3 to M3T that I am pondering. I very much appreciate everybody's help and advice on this post as I am a Surefire fan but not an expert on their products.
Are these ideas or what?

1)SureFire "MBK" (Millennium Bezel Kit)
SureFire "M3" Bezel with MN10 & MN11

2)SureFire "MTBK" (Millennium TurboHead Bezel Kit)
SureFire "Millennium TurboHead" Bezel with MN15 & MN16

The MBK and MTBK would be cheaper then buying all three bits on their own of course (!)

3)SureFire "MBP" (Millennium Bezel Plug) -
A metal grommet that screws into a Millennium Bezel waterproofing the Bezel with a Lamp Module installed.
It would have an easy grip style and Lanyard.
It would allow you to Swap bezels quickly without risking the lamps (they remain in the Bezels)
It would keep your Bezel and Lamp Module waterproof.
It would keep your Lamp Module Shock Isolated.
The same "MBP" would be used to secure the Bezel you have just replaced.

Well I think these are very good ideas!

Size15s. I,m sure that you have great idea's but I have no clue what your talking about. I'm going to ring Surefire today and request a new catalog. The one I have now is three years old.
Best to you as always and thanks.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Size15s:
Are these ideas or what?

1)SureFire "MBK" (Millennium Bezel Kit)
SureFire "M3" Bezel with MN10 & MN11

2)SureFire "MTBK" (Millennium TurboHead Bezel Kit)
SureFire "Millennium TurboHead" Bezel with MN15 & MN16

The MBK and MTBK would be cheaper then buying all three bits on their own of course (!)

3)SureFire "MBP" (Millennium Bezel Plug) -
A metal grommet that screws into a Millennium Bezel waterproofing the Bezel with a Lamp Module installed.
It would have an easy grip style and Lanyard.
It would allow you to Swap bezels quickly without risking the lamps (they remain in the Bezels)
It would keep your Bezel and Lamp Module waterproof.
It would keep your Lamp Module Shock Isolated.
The same "MBP" would be used to secure the Bezel you have just replaced.

Well I think these are very good ideas!


Any Idea were I can buy any of those Bezel Kits? Any dealers that sell them?