Surefire M4s on CBS right now!

calm down, take a deep breath.
Am I the only one that has noticed that every scene is dark as can be? The folks are at the office and all the lights are off, out on a case, every light is off. Guess that gives them more excuses to use cool lights.

Would that be CSI - Crime Scene Investigation you saw on CBS?

Is it time to dig out the video stills again? I think it is....



For some
reason, the network responsible for broadcasting the show in the Netherlands decided to continue the second season's finale (# 46, "The hunger artist") with a rerun of the first season.

We're back to episode #21, "Justice is served"...
wich aired yesterday.
Sure are! How ever did you know?

Channel 5 used to run CSI, Law&Order and recently also the Shield back to back on saturday nights from 9. Sit back with a few beers, kick my feet up and play "spot the lights" with the added bonus of decent plots too - couldn`t fault it!

Now, the new CSIs will be on tuesdays when I`m work out and tired after work, can drink no beer as I`ve to be up again in the morning, and who knows where the other 2 shows will go

It would be a bemusing and baffling experience to visit inside the mind of a TV scheduler and see exactly what goes on in there...
SureFire M6's used in the movie "Ghost Ship" I believe. That's the only reason to see it (actually, I've been told not to bother seeing it, but since I know it has torches in it, that's reason enough to spend £10 (£4 ticket, £6 popcorn & Coke)

They do, but they also use M4s, some other SF models and very rarely, this little thing:


I guess it`s all down to whos marketing team gives them the most free lights each week