Surefire + Malkoff: What’s your combo?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2007
Just picked up a Z3 and decided to save the stock halogen bulb for a rainy day. I popped in some 17500's and an old m60. I'm not crazy about the bezel though. Doesn't appear to be original (plain, no markings and the lens has a bubble on it). I might keep the tailcap stock and throw something on them with a mcclicky in it

My "lego"s are just g2, g2 led head, yellow g2, g3 and a 9p with various M61s... as follows:
M61NL, M61WL, M61WLL, M61WLL and a 219b LL.

I have more surefires and more Malkys of course but that's it for lego-ing!
It's almost strange not having any, since all of my earlier Malkoffs(M60W, M60WF, M60WL, M60WLF, M60N, MD60) were originally in SF hosts, starting with a Z3 w/black M2 bezel, then C2, G2, G2Z, Z2, 6P, 6PD, 9P, M3T, and E2D w/VME head.
Now it's all Malkoff hosts, but I sometimes miss having those bored Z3s and C2-HAs!
I have a few, but this one remains the most unique and dedicated to a specific use;



Malkoff E2XTD head on an Oveready E35 body, a SF Z41 tailcap with ZeroRez insert powered by an IMR 18500 cell. Operation is squeeze in a cigar hold for momentary operation, accomplished by backing off the tailcap just a bit from constant on.

This is strictly a defensive use light which at 70k candela will temporarily deprive someone of their vision in a low-light environment. A lot of intensity in a small package.
Which label maker are you using? I was thinking of labeling mine but I change my drop ins like I change underwear
Looks like a Brother P-Touch. They're legit, I've owned several over the years. Highly recommended.
I am in love with the C2 with a malkoff. I have the M61W, M61WL and M61WLL so I have great options to use. Primarily I go with the M61W and a 16650.

Now if there was only a way to have a high low ring on this head it would be icing on the cake.

Malkoff tri tail with Prometheus boot
Mhvast 3p 18350 body
Prometheus pocket clip
Five mega z44 head
Oveready copper bezel
219c 4k with h17f drop drop in


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As soon as I got the VME I played around to see what M61's would be practical to use with a single cell body. I was a little sad that a P60 lamp didn't fit (not that it would be super practical, but fun).

I like the WLL with a 16340. That one ought to give acceptable runtime and is a nice general purpose brightness. The WLL has around 20 or so lumens with a 123 so maybe that would be a good long running battery vampire option. There is more experimenting and testing to be done.