Surefire Shot show Info


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 24, 2002
i can't believe nobody has posted info from shot on anything sf has revealed!?
Originally posted by tkl:
i can't believe nobody has posted info from shot on anything sf has revealed!?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I'm surprised the same sort of people who might say "I just got my A2" wouldn't just make something up about shotshow and post it. It would be worth the entertainment value. "Surefire A3 with ...."
I asked Ted Bear to give us some reports but I think his internet connections are iffy. Hopefully we will find out how many goodies PK has pulled out of his magic bag! :), Then again under the cloud of "vaporware" I reckon we may never see all the ideas that came to be prototypes.

- Don
Personally, I dread shotshow information because the result will be that there will be something I won't be able to get along without that's both expensive and unlikely to be available for a long time.
But if anyone has heard anything pease tell us what it is!
Shot show stuff is neat, but how many things show up at shot shows (or shows like them) every year and never make it into production. This is not just a surefire thing but at many booths. I don't put a lot of stock into seeing a lot of the products at the shot show ever hit the market. It's like that with most of the new release shows, be it knives, or flashlights, or bicycles.

I'd just rather find out about new products when they are being to shipped to dealers, before that it's all just vaporware.


I suspect that a vocal portion of flashaholics who share your opinion have likely ensured that we won't see nearly as much of what SF is considering as possible new product offerings. I certainly understand your position and it can be a real source of frustration when cool stuff never makes it to market. On the other hand, I always like to see what ideas have been expressed in real parts and prototypes and am saddened that closed lips and unshown items will keep us from knowing what might have been. Oh well. I guess some of us only care about what we can obtain whereas others of us are enticed by the mere concepts and functional art that may on ocassion be displayed.

- Don

Yeah I can see where for some that it would be nice to see what might have been wether they are released or not.

Since we verbal flashaholics have so much power over what surefire does. Surely we could get surefire to do a concept booth section at the shot show like the automobile makers do for you guys that like to see protoypes and the engineering possiblities. Ya know where all the flashlight prototypes that 99% of the products they show will never hit the market or be seen from again tucked away in a room somewhere. Where their engineers can have some fun and show what artistic and futurist designs they can come up with with their nearly unlimited resources.

If we can get them to change their entire policy on product information release a concept booth at the shot show should be easy.


Well said
I don't think *our* comments have much bearing on what SF marketing chooses to do. However, I don't think certain folks at SF were to pleased at being labeled a supplier of vaporware with the results of last years digital series and beast program. I DO think these comments were heard and have had some effect.

From a marketing position, I believe a strong case can be made for showing that which you can and do plan to sell; much in line with your sentiments. However, I also feel that the larger the base of people exposed to the concepts, the better the feedback could be in terms of viability and potential marketability. Then again, giving the competition a preview of what may be to come gives them a jump and insight that is likely contrary to ones better interest.

I see the wisdom in your position but out of selfishness, I hold another. Regardless of *our* effects, if any, I think your wishes shall prevail.

- Don

Yeah I'm just jaded about all those cool products I wanted last year that never made it, I sold my kidney and all!

I still kinda like the concept show idea, I think it would be neat to see what some of the flashlight companies could do if they let their R&D guys go a little crazy once and awhile. I'm sure though as you said there are other factors. Such as time and money involved, and also letting the competition see what you are working on.

I'm sure Surefire heard it from dealers and customers that planned on selling/buying a lot of those lights that never came to be. Along with us at the forums who are probalby the hardest to please.

Surefire Concept Lighting Extravaganza 2004

Hello Todd and Don,

I am a bit of a romantic. I want to see some of the future "stuff" that goes beyond the limits. At the same time I respect the competition.

There should be a way that SureFire can use the Shot Show to capatalize on their "vaporware." They could lead the competition astray by some well placed diversions and still be rock solid in their product line.

Oh well, I guess we will just have to rely on the "modders" to stir up our imagination.

Originally posted by SilverFox:

There should be a way that SureFire can use the Shot Show to capatalize on their "vaporware."
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Actually, maybe they can -- display the concept (that their R&D section has already deemed "do-able"), and accept deposits toward a one-time limited production episode. If the number of individual deposits indicate a fiscally viable run, then go ahead with it and hope it catches on with the mainstream after which it could become a regular catalog item, and if not, refund the monies and know that the particular concept was not as popular as the developers had originally hoped.

I have had similar thoughts. I even laughingly suggested to PK that he make about 30 concept flashlights to show at SHOT; let the competition get confused as to which devices they should try to copy!
If so inclined, SF could lay a bunch of "false" trails and we would see some cool stuff. None the less, good ideas would be offered up before SF was in a position to be first to bring these ideas to market. I have seen some incredible lights that will never come to market such is the strength and diversity of the stable of SF's prototypess. There is no good reason for SF to make the developement path of its competitors any easier and if they get blasted for vapor ware on top, what's the point?


I think SF could do as you have suggested but they probably already have a full plate of production and marketing issues. Further, from my experience, it can be difficult for them to process orders for existing and "stocked" parts. The thought of SF's sales department processing a program as you have suggested has me a bit skeptical.

- Don

BTW, I see that we haven't had any posts of significance or insight from those attending the Shot Show.

Your idea of throwing off the competition is a great one.

When Airbus announced plans for the A380, Boeing also had some existing ideas of their own including a huge plane that supposedly would carry more people, further, faster and so on.

Sensing that they needed to out do the competition, Airbus announced this huge plane with enormous features. By then, Boeing was already developing specs and giving the impression of going beyond a mere concept.

Airbus launches this monster of an endevour that is going to require them to commit to billions in R&D. They have a hard time coming up with the required 50 order feasability minimum but because they want to be the leader, they are having to sell the planes at or near cost. Orders are placed and production begins.

Airbus proudly announces they are going forward and Boeing decides to cancel its project. Airbus is now committed to a huge cash cow and Boeing shifts its focus to the real market. Hee hee hee.

Moral of the story - pk needs to throw off the competition with some selected stealth/concept projects.
I attended my first shot show today (Friday) here in my hometown and finally met PK (Paul)from SF. What an honor. This was an exciting day for me. Saw the A2 in action and 5 watt LED they had which was bright (no exact release dates given). Asked about Beast HID that was at last show and PK got it out (not displayed) for me to try it. That was fun and very cool.

Basically I read between the lines that SF is being more careful about what info they share on future products they will be offering. So I agree with what was said earlier in this post. I can't really blame them. PK puts lots of work in R & D for the quality we enjoy in our future torches. Saw SF president Dr Matthews but did not get chance to speak to, very busy man as you may expect. Showed PK my E3C 200 lumen mod (DSpeck's UBH & McGizmo C adapter made possible) which he seemed to like.

Also met Peter from ARC, Henry from HDS, Al, Jahn, Brock, David from Pocketlights among others. Henry's Action Light III (head worn) has 5 brightness settings, regulated, uses AA batteries, 2-700 hours of constant brightnes and may be available mid 2003.

Streamlight had a 5 watt TL3 LED 9 volt 85lumen $175 est retail for sale in 2+ months. Bright, white, circular beam but thought I saw a ring. They also had a 120 lumen incad TL3 version think he said for $100, not sure on that. They had a TL2 6volt 100 lumen $45-60 est retail. Seemed similar in size to E2e. These will be posted in few weeks on their web site he said. So check to see if above specs / prices remain same.

Nothing new that I could see at CMG, Brinkman or Maglite. Held and used a MaxaBeam 6million CP which was fun. Picked up a neat little LED clips to my shirt pocket hands free called QuiqLite uses 2 CR2032s button batteries. ( This show was huge, 1/2 mile long or so in convention ctr. I am sure you will get much better / technical reports from others more qualified like Al, Peter, Brock or Henry to inform you guys what they saw.
Thanks George, I was hoping to start reading what most of us missed, Thank you very much for keeping us up to date

How about Technology Associates - The "EternaLight" folks. They've got a couple new items coming out, I thought they may be there?
Is there more information on these new Streamlight products anywhere? I'd love to see some competitive products aside from the Scorpion come out of Streamlight. I love competition!