Surge, Legend LX or Scorpion?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2002
well...i have some great lights. the collection is blooming!

but now i want bright!

i already have several tec-40's, and they are pretty bright. i measure 1600 lux from the kpr103, and 3100 from the xpr103. not bad.

i read that the legend lx will put out about 6000 lux, and the scorpion about the same. i have also read that these put out about 60 lumen. that seems pretty bright. the only downer is the expensive batteries and very short runtimes. i do like the small size, however.

i have been looking at the surge for some time. i read that the surge will put out about 120 lumen, but im not sure about the lux reading.

my needs? BRIGHT, relatively small, affordable.

i think i have my decision made: surge AND one of the other 2. or maybe 2 surges...or maybe a surge and a streamight 4aaled...wheretheheckdidthatcomefrom?

oh, jees. still cant make up my mind...

any opinions?
How about a TigerLight. I would say at least 250 Lumen with a runtime of 1.1 hours. Re-chargeable, the size of a 2D flashlight. I will sell you one with UCL Lens and O-ring upgrade for $95 shipped. LNIB
He said affordable: the PT Surge is a given, MUCH brighter than the others, long run time, great spot/flood capability, cheap batteries. I can't believe this light for the bucks.

The other light should be the smaller Scorpion, easily carried, cheap (under $ 25), it has a spare bulb, and also a good spot/flood capability. Also a fantastic value.

I have a few Surefires, IMHO, over priced for the quality/price.
hmmm. though the tiger sounds great, it is a little overbudget! i gotta keep the price down a bit--to sneak these lights in under radar (Carey).

where can i get a scorpion for $25? that sounds like a great deal!

i will be ordering a surge from brightguy, but i think the scorpion is like $35? i will recheck...

thanks again!

What JohnK said.

When you say "small", do you mean short or small diameter?

The Surge is a great light for the size/price. The replacement batteries are easy to get. Go to CostCo and buy the huge AA size replacement packages and you're set. It's short, but has a big diameter.

I like the Scorpion, but the lithium batteries can make it expensive for replacements.

Another option is the Underwater Kinetics 2L. A lot cheaper than the Scorpion, but puts out a lot of light for its size.

Botachtactical has the Scorpion for $ 26.00. They had a sale a bit ago, I bought one for $ 21.95. Brightguy has them for $ 29.95. Use Yahoo shopping or Froogle for a product/price search; really neat and effective.

If you order from Botach, call them ! Better service.
Looking at your sig, you don't yet have a lithium 123 powered light, so I would recommend you get one just to complete your collection. SF G2 is about the same price as the Scorp, and with the Surefire brand name.
Originally posted by pedalinbob:
i have been looking at the surge for some time. i read that the surge will put out about 120 lumen, but im not sure about the lux reading.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">yes, u read the truth.
PT surge really give out 115 lumen,3 hrs,cheap.
it is almost the same brightness as my 6P(P61) 120 lumen. PT Surge with brighter hot spot.
u wont be disappointed if u get one.
How about SL6? it is more tight & bright
You want affordable. The tigerlight is it. You buy the scorpion and, depending on how much you use it, it will surpass the tigerlight at some point due to the batteries.
Hello pedalinbob,

I have noticed that the UK 2L and the UK SL6 have been suggested, and I don't think you can go wrong with the Surge. When I was looking for a long throw light, I ended up with the UK SL4. The beam on the UK lights is tightly focused, it is not a flood light. I chose the SL4 over the SL6 because it is 2C cells lighter in weight and 1C cell shorter in length.

The down side to the UK SL4 is the lamp replacement cost. While the whole light is around $28, a replacement bulb and reflector assembly (you can not just replace the bulb) is around $9.

Just another thought for you to consider.

However the SL4 seems pitiful in brightness compared to the SL6, taking into account the 2 less cells. Even the Surge seems to surpass the brightness of the SL4.
oh, walt.

why do you have to tempt me?

that tigerlight sounds sweet: relatively small, rechargeable, and incredibly bright...i may have to pick up an extra shift to pay for one.

i just last night ordered a surge and SL3c10led for long runtime--kinda blew my budget for a while.

I will admit that 1 hour runtimes bother me--but in the real world, that is a lot of time, generally. yet, what you give up in runtime is more than made up in incredible brightness.

does the tigerlight have a car charger?


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