Surge Light Leak Mystery Solved (for me anyway)



A couple of weeks ago I bought a Streamlight 4AA 7 LED light. A few days ago I received a Surge. They are both great lights but I was disappointed to find they both leaked light where the bezel meets the body.
How can they be waterproof I thought? The only thing I could figure was a black o-ring could still be translucent.
I posted the question in regards to the SL a couple of weeks ago on another members thread but either nobody knew or you figured I was really dumb for asking.
Well it bothered me so much I emailed Princeton Tec over the weekend and Garry from customer service was kind enough to respond on a Monday.
Did you guys know this? The bezel under the black rubber is clear plastic on both lights! The light is reflecting back through that! Garry even referred to the "lens" under the black rubber so I get the impression the lens is like a clear plastic cup, all one piece and threaded on the inside, with rubber on the outside. I don't know why this didn't make itself apparent to me before because it sure seems obvious now.
Well this has just made my day but I sure would like to hear that everyone else didn't already know this.


The original PT40's and the current PT400's both have just the clear plastic bezel with no black rubber shroud. I think that PT changed the PT40 and introduced the PT Surge with a sensitivity for those customers who found the side spill through the clear bezel to be disconcerting.
Oh man, thanks lemlux but you do realize you have made me feel worse don't you?
its the same with my UKE SL4
i was puzzled at first when i saw some light coming out from under the bezel. i was initially under the impression the bezel was rubber, with the lens somehow sealed to the bezel. i realized it was a plastic cup with treading on the inside with a rubber shroud when i shone a light through the lens and saw the light being internally refracted to the bottom of the bezel.
My Surge also has the light leak in the same place.
I love the flashlight though.
I have 2 Surges and both have the light leak. I drowned both in a 4 foot pool for over 6 hours. No water leakaged at all!
Why it's HimSelf! Nice of you to drop in SuRge.
That's why this made my day and I don't care anymore. I shouldn't even refer to it as a leak. It's merely illuminating the bottom of the bezel! I just may change the title of this thread.
What is also funny is I got unnerved when I first shook the light and heard that tiny rattle. That had me taking the light apart and starting another thread. Well now I know that is the platinum catalyst, also confirmed by my new pal Garry, that they put in there to absorb the battery gases! Why that sound is music to my ears now.
You see I was looking forward to the Surge because of all the things I had heard here and then right away it's rattling and leaking, but now that I know both are normal due to the design, and for what, $25 bucks you get a totally waterproof light that is brrriiiight and runs on AA's. Rechargeables fresh from my PS4! Did I say it feels good too? That switch, well now I'm repeating myself from my other thread, but it is so functional. Smooth in the middle with a sexy soft purr of a click, but then a nice solid "this light is on" and "this light is off" detent on the sides. I actually thought the switch was ugly and low-tech looking. Why I dare say it is more functional than a button or a slide switch. I'm rather certain fatigue would set in sooner with either of those types in a on/off marathon. Yeah I like this light a lot. Thanks to all those who sang it's praises...
I have a black SL 7LED and the case is black throughout other than the small purge valve. There is no light spill.
I don't doubt you in regards to the SL. Mine only does it in a 2 inch area around where the bezel meets the body. Since the SL is not adjustable, it can be screwed down tight. Slight variations in manufacture would cause some to do it and others not. Another member replied two weeks ago that his had a slight bit of light escaping as well. We are talking slight here. Right now in the daylight, I can't see any escaping on mine either. But come nightime, a little sneaks out. If you unscrew it a full turn, bezel bottom still being well below the o-ring seal, and place the lens front against your palm, you should see what I mean. It doesn't look like it at first glance, but the lens/bezel under the rubber is clear.
My Surge has light spill and it bugs me also. I have not done anything about it yet.