A couple of weeks ago I bought a Streamlight 4AA 7 LED light. A few days ago I received a Surge. They are both great lights but I was disappointed to find they both leaked light where the bezel meets the body.
How can they be waterproof I thought? The only thing I could figure was a black o-ring could still be translucent.
I posted the question in regards to the SL a couple of weeks ago on another members thread but either nobody knew or you figured I was really dumb for asking.
Well it bothered me so much I emailed Princeton Tec over the weekend and Garry from customer service was kind enough to respond on a Monday.
Did you guys know this? The bezel under the black rubber is clear plastic on both lights! The light is reflecting back through that! Garry even referred to the "lens" under the black rubber so I get the impression the lens is like a clear plastic cup, all one piece and threaded on the inside, with rubber on the outside. I don't know why this didn't make itself apparent to me before because it sure seems obvious now.
Well this has just made my day but I sure would like to hear that everyone else didn't already know this.
How can they be waterproof I thought? The only thing I could figure was a black o-ring could still be translucent.
I posted the question in regards to the SL a couple of weeks ago on another members thread but either nobody knew or you figured I was really dumb for asking.
Well it bothered me so much I emailed Princeton Tec over the weekend and Garry from customer service was kind enough to respond on a Monday.
Did you guys know this? The bezel under the black rubber is clear plastic on both lights! The light is reflecting back through that! Garry even referred to the "lens" under the black rubber so I get the impression the lens is like a clear plastic cup, all one piece and threaded on the inside, with rubber on the outside. I don't know why this didn't make itself apparent to me before because it sure seems obvious now.
Well this has just made my day but I sure would like to hear that everyone else didn't already know this.