Surge stops a cop


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 28, 2001
London, UK (Parallel Universe)
I had a similar experience, when testing a powerful lantern-type. Seems that LEO's are interested in lights (but suspicious about their users) ......

I *diffused* the situation by switching it off, walking over and showing them the torch, and it became all smiles, and complaints about the duty-issue equipment our UK Police get.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *something ridiculous ?:
...Seems that LEO's are interested in lights (but suspicious about their users) ......


I remember reading about a situation in a large city where a citizen used a high-powered light to see what was going on in a dark alley next to his home unbeknownst to him where a drug bust was occuring. The UCLEOs charged the citizen with obstruction of justice for interfering with official business. Charges were later dropped because intent could not be established that the citizen meant to do harm. He was just curious.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy Guyer:
[QB]I was doing a run time test on the Surge with 4 NiMH batteries, and so had it on continuously. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Nice story, but what about the run time results?

Sorry Brightnorm. I've been tied up the last several days.

I'm getting around 50 minutes runtime before the light just isn't a Surge anymore. The thing is, though, all my battery sets are 1600mAh Nexcells that I bought 3 years ago. I don't know how NiMHs age, whether they lose some capacity along the way, or if they just stop taking a charge altogether. I think the newer 1800mAh ones would give an hour. This is acceptable to me.

I'm also still working on the Surge/Tec40 mod. I HAVE to get a PR base that takes a T2 bi-pin bulb first, because without this you can't figure out the height for proper focusing. I emailed Carley lamps again today to see if they could direct me to a retailer, but I haven't gotten a reply yet.
Hi Guy Guyer,
My story is...
when I was a Kid , when Hong Kong still under British rule, I have a 7C mag with helo bulb(that model stoped production for long time).

When I go camping , I point the 7C to a British Army heli( I don't know how high) and it really could light up the heli! Second after, it circle around ! I turn off the 7C quickly as I afraid he turn on the sun cannon to me... ha ha
Reminds me of back with the MiniMags were all the rage. When they first came out, I bought several, and the first night I had them, began playing with them in the house. About 20 minutes after I turned them all off, an officer knocked on my door. Turns out the neighbors called the police when they saw lights flashing all over the place. Scared the hell out of me. I'm standing there in my PJ's and the officer is asking me for ID.

The Officer told me I should thank my neighbor, not swear at him like I was doing.
I was doing a run time test on the Surge with 4 NiMH batteries, and so had it on continuously. As I was walking through a golf course towards a road, I had the light pointing in front of me and the beam accidently brushed over a passing cop car. The guy stopped in the middle of the road, and shined his spotlight on me for several seconds. Since I didn't want any trouble, I pointed the light at the ground and continued walking normally. He finally drove off after seeing I was just a guy walking with a flashlight. I was about 150 feet away from him when this happened!
I have not seen the Surge yet. Is there a picture of this flashlight online? Please post url to a picture. Thank you.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nonbox:
I have not seen the Surge yet. Is there a picture of this flashlight online? Please post url to a picture. Thank you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Surge at BrightGuy
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by snake:

When I go camping , I point the 7C to a British Army heli( I don't know how high) and it really could light up the heli! Second after, it circle around ! I turn off the 7C quickly as I afraid he turn on the sun cannon to me... ha ha

When I was a boy scout, I was told that *never* to point your flashlight to any low flying plane when you're in the mountain or any remote area. They might though that you're asking for rescue.


Thanks for the runtime tests. Now I don't need to burn up 8AA alkalines.

I see your dilemma with wanting to have a survival light, and a Surge which won't take lithiums. It may be possible to find a bulb that will handle lithiums. I'm almost positive it's a T1 3/4. A 5mm LED will fit right into the Surge and those are T1 3/4.

p.s. I didn't know you were down in NYC. I was safe up here in Troy on 9/11. Maybe you should have my signature instead.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
Reminds me of back with the MiniMags were all the rage. When they first came out, I bought several, and the first night I had them, began playing with them in the house. About 20 minutes after I turned them all off, an officer knocked on my door. Turns out the neighbors called the police when they saw lights flashing all over the place. Scared the hell out of me. I'm standing there in my PJ's and the officer is asking me for ID.

The Officer told me I should thank my neighbor, not swear at him like I was doing.

I got the exact experience. 2 officers knocked on my door when I was comparing Stinger XT and 9AN by pointing them around the house at 3:00am. One of the officers has a 6P and after they checked my ID, they asked a lot of questions - about flashlight:). Finally, they spent almost an hour in my house playing around my light collection.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Guy Guyer:
Sorry Brightnorm. I've been tied up the last several days.
I'm getting around 50 minutes runtime before the light just isn't a Surge anymore.


I just finished a Surge runtime test using Ray-O-Vac Maximums (non-rechargeable but excellent and CHEAP)

The light ran for 3+ hours. For approximately 2 hours the Surge maintained good to excellent brightness, though of course not as bright as at startup, but pretty darn good. Between 2 and 2 1/2
hours it was becoming noticeably dimmer, but still quite respectably bright. Between 2 1/2 and 3 hours the beam began to yellow, though it was still functionally useful, and gradually dimmed until at three hours I turned it off, though it probably would have remained lit for another 15-30 minutes.

I suppose you could call this a three hour light, but I would characterize it as a 2 1/2 hour light. It's still darn impressive.

In terms of burn longevity, I would choose the UK 4AA, then the 2L , and yes, I know all about the beams!

Three hours seems to be a kind of basic limit to all these non-tac lights, with the exception of the Bison 2-C. I've never done runtime tests on the big Maglites (3-D and up)

I have been quite disappointed with the Tec 40, which starts strong, with excellent beam, but peters out much quicker than the UK's. Maybe some day UK will start using faceted reflectors. For now I just buy extras and pick the good ones for myself, and give the others to friends who aren''t so picky.

I will probably stick with non-rechargeables (especially lithiums) because, as a veteran of 9/11, and seeing how Mayor Guiliani got out of that cellar only because someone had a flashlight, I want something I can count on whenever I need it. I EDC belt-carry several lights.

Have a good day, and may your love for good lights keep "surging"!

Best regards,

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