Tec 40 Wide Reflector?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2002
Southern California
Is anyone out there using the wide reflector with a tec 40.. Does it make a big difference.. Even though I love the throw of the tec 40, I would like to have more of a wide beam so I can see what going on 10-20 feet in front of me when I am running down dark trails. Any info or beam shots would be appreciated..
If you mean by wide reflector, dimpled or faceted refelctor, it's great. I think you'll pretty much find that to be the concinses here. Still throws a nice beam, but a little wider & much cleaner. TX
Agreed. Mine has the textured reflector (Looks like orange or grapefruit skin).

It still throws a fairly tight beam, but SO smooth and with a decent spill of light.

It is one of my favorite toys.
The Solo and Tec 20 use the same reflector you are talking about and it is nice. Light is a bit dimmer, but smoother. I use it with a versalux PR-2 (Solo). All it does is smooth and widen the beam.