
Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
Check out the pictures posted in chit chat.
Not only has he suffered financial loss but straightening out his place is going to be difficult from his wheelchair. Looks like a nightmare. I wish I lived close enough to help him clean up. I wish there was something I could do to help this man who has done so much for us. I really feel bad for him.
By the way, were and when can I get one of the Surefire E-2`s. I am mostly an LED fan but I MUST have one of these kick *** little lights!
Tim Flanagan, a CPF member, has them for sale. You can contact him at [email protected] and/or visit for more information.

Tim is a great guy with great service and he is slated to get them at the end of next week

Thanks for the tip Bucky. I will order one. Hopefully next paycheck (friday). My thoughts are to enjoy the light untill the bulb goes, then have one of or members alter it to LED for every day use. Then order one of the new brighter then hell bulbs. This way I can enjoy it on a daily bases and when I want to, put the real bulb in, for when I want to blast something or have the last word. Think this will be a light I can be proud of for the rest of my life.
As I looked at Telephony's photos, I only wish I was on his side of the World. What can we do to help him?


A high output E2 Lamp Module is not fact but rather speculation.
I've suggested it before as well. It would be an excellent upgrade though.

From what Brock's written, the 60Lu Lamp is brilliant. I too, will be a proud owner soon!
Thanks Bucky. I just sent Tim an e-mail. I hope he still has some E2 lights left. After seeing Brock's pictures of it I can't wait to get one. I bet the wife will be real glad I'm getting another flashlight too.
Tim still had some left. I'm on the pre-order list.
Can't wait to get this thing.
Don't know what I'll do with it, other then shine it around the basement and compare it to my other lights but I still want one.

Do any of you guys really use your flashlights a lot or is it just a hobby collecting them? Which lights do you use and for what? I would be interested in hearing some stories. Here is mine.
I work on computers and networks for a living and sometimes need a flashlight to see inside the PC or to rewire a wall jack. For this I just use a small LED converted AAA Maglight. Maybe I'll start using the E2 for this. Might be overkill though. Sounds like it'll be pretty bright. I keep a white Photon in my pocket at all times to help find keys in the dark and stuff like that.
Other than that I just like to collect them. Can't wait for the next power faliure. I can finally justify all the money I spend on flashlights.

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