I love there stuff. I have two FB-1 bodies i have mounted
two new KL-1 head's to. I found out the hard way the anodizing on the VG was better then SF KL-1's after a knee high fall and soft roll left major chucks outta the KL-1 all the way a round the head, I mean it was gently rolling not like it had been ground into the cement, and still nicked it bigtime! But the VG got a scratched up clip, but no visable marking on the HA-III. The machining is as good or better then SF. (i know there were issues with the first VG bodies, in fact i was leary of ordering them
and took a chance only If i could return is they were below par)
Smaller, and better imho, i have also used a E1e head on one once, and it was just tiny! In fact i would like to get a chop LED mod that he does on the E1e head, because it will be so small and bright.
It's also nice to get a switch and body for th same price as a SF body only (and then pay 30 bucks or more for a SF tail cap)
The switch is different feeling, with a short travel, and a almost silent click. It doesn't feel like a clicky when it goes constant on, but once i used it a few times i don't miss it, and love it now.
good stuff, a bargin, and just a great package. VDG