terralux and malkoff vs. homemade ssc p4


Feb 15, 2007
i sold two friends terralux's with ssc p4's in them. both ended up complaining about flickering issues. so now that ive got a p7 build under my belt and its as easy as pie, i am thinking about setting them up with a 3d dd single ssc p4 maglite build. im wondering how my homemade version would compare on a runtime graph to the terralux. it seems their circuits arent that efficent, but at least theyre regulated. also how might my homemade light compare to a malkoff. is his pretty much just the same thing as i'm about to do but in a pre-made package?
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just wondering how you guys think a homemade single sscp4 dd mag build would compare to a terralux. which is a better flashlight to give a "non-enlightened" friend. i sold him a terralux (at my cost i hook up friends) and now it flickers. would a single 3d direct drive homemade mag be more reliable and would it be brighter or have more runtime or be more efficent? what do you think would be the comparision. probably definitely brighter, but for how long? anyone done a runtime graph on a homemade ssc p4?
malkoff would be best bet, it hits the trifecta



well... number one he paid me $25 for a terralux (back when they cost 23 plus shipping) and i wanna build him a heatsinked sscp4 and eat the difference. malkoff is alot of difference. plus i want more build experience and to have someone be able to say "jason made this for me"

how do you guys think it would compare to those two, and can we even get runs of heatsinks made for the ssc p4 anymore when the p7 is out? i looked and couldnt find one.
well... number one he paid me $25 for a terralux (back when they cost 23 plus shipping) and i wanna build him a heatsinked sscp4 and eat the difference. malkoff is alot of difference. plus i want more build experience and to have someone be able to say "jason made this for me"

how do you guys think it would compare to those two, and can we even get runs of heatsinks made for the ssc p4 anymore when the p7 is out? i looked and couldnt find one.
Of course you can still get heatsinks for the seoul P4s. Don't think that with the introduction of the P7s the P4s are no good anymore. H22A and 4sevens are both selling heatsinks. Both have heatsinks for single seoul P4 and P7 configurations.

How do the terralux, malkoff, and DIY compare? I would put Gene's drop-in at the top, with the DIY light right behind, and the terralux in the back somewhere.

Gene's maglite drop-ins are worth the money. You basically get everything with it. You don't have to worry about it burning up since it has more then adequate heatsinking of both the LED and driver. You also don't have to cut up the switch in your maglite for it to work.

The DIY is very similar, but requires modification to you light and is more involved. It requires skills and knowledge that Gene's drop-in doesn't. This is not a simple drop-in; you have to permanently alter your maglite's switch, but this can be very rewarding and you can do in any way you want. The sky's the limit.

Last is the terralux. The least expensive of all three, very simple to install being a drop-in, and it has respectable output. I just don't trust it like I would my Malkoff or something I built myself even though I've never had any problem with the one I purchased.
Jason being picky here, but perhaps you could put a little bit more thought into your thread tittles, at the moment it sounds as if you are presenting a comparison between "terralux and malkoff vs. homemade ssc p4", it would be better to phrase it as a question "what is the difference between terralux and malkoff vs. homemade ssc p4?"
Something similar here
circuit board - CandlePowerForums
Norm in a picky mood :)

P.S. You are in no way on your own when it comes to confusing thread titles. ;)
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i was kidding. but the link was priceless. just one step closer to getting the world to convert to miles, ounces, gallons, and inches. :grin2:
I don't know how long ago you got the Terralux, but if it hasn't been too long I'd see if I could return them. The SSC version had heat problems, which I believe were solved by using the TFFC K2.