Mrs. Scout and I are now the owners of six Rhode Island Red chicks. This is our first foray into "livestock", but we are avid gardeners. Anyone else here raise chickens? Stories, tips, tricks, ideas, all welcome... 🐓 :wave:
If you have any corvids (Crows, ravens etc..) in your area, feed them as often as you can! They are intelligent enough that they will remember you- and your flock- and will in turn hang around. Why is this good? Because crows will mob any hawk/ falcon that tries to hurt your flock. You help them, they help you. SUPER awesome little interaction with nature and it really does work!
Be prepared for lots of flies at your next barbecue.
Dude next door to my dads raised chickens for a while and man the flies were ridiculous. Once he stopped so did the flies.
Shameless plug.Be prepared to be stunned at Amazon's selection of chicken-raising products, I move many bags of dried mealworms daily..
Be prepared for lots of flies at your next barbecue.
Dude next door to my dads raised chickens for a while and man the flies were ridiculous. Once he stopped so did the flies.
Shameless plug.
100% advertising for the broad chicken-farming populace of a flashlight forum, since we're out of hand sanitizer and toilet paper..