<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Try a XPR103. Due to the greater density and poorer thermal conductivity of xenon over krypton plus the higher pressure of the envelope, more heat is retained in the filament and less is transmitted to the envelope. There is an additional benefit of 2-3 times the bulb life over krypton bulbs because the higher filament temperature causes more tungsten to be redeposited on the filament.Originally posted by jcwu88:
Hi! I just buy a PT40 and change KPR103 bulb!The beam is perfect and very bright. I love it!
However, after burning 12 min, the textured bezel seems somehow little 'melted'. It's really trading for strong light!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">what is the temperature u live?Originally posted by Stingray:
I run my 8X with 110 lumen lamp and lexan lens with a beamshaper on for 30-50 minutes every night while walking the dog and the lens has never melted. It does get hot though.
I melted a lexan lens on my 6P when someone put it face down on a table while still on and forgot about it.