The lexan len will melt in P61????


Jan 11, 2003
Hong Kong
i havent try to turn on my P61 continuoesly more than 5 mins in my 6P bezel.
any guys have experience will it melt if turn on 20 mins + ??

thx alot!
Yes, it will melt. If the lens is cooled, you can run P61 for hours. If it is covered, it will melt in less then 10 min.
the bezel itself won't melt, but the lens will probably bubble up, not disintegrate into a puddle

if you want more heat resistance, get a pyrex C2 bezel. personally, i'd stick to the lexan and replace the lens as and when it bubbles due to excessive heat or gets too scratched up...sure is cheaper than buying a new C2 bezel if the lens gets damaged irreparably.
How long can a P61 or P91 be run in a lexan bezeled head with the beam shaper clamped down in diffuse mode?.
I can only say that I had my 6P/P61 on in my V20 nylon holster for about 5 minutes and the Lexan bubbled. Fortunately, the lens replacement kit is cheap and relatively easy to do. Thank goodness the G2Z is Pyrex.

I think a beam shaper used with the P61 and Lexan lens is probably a bad idea.

Not necessarily so. I finally created a convex bubble on the lens of a P bezel in which I ran a P61 for over 25 minutes. This was in a 9P extended with two A19's and powered by 4 @ Panasonic 2000 mAh 4/5 A NiMHs.
LED Museum: the nitrolon won't melt into a puddle, but it will deform if it gets too hot. the heat tolerance of nitrolon is better than the lexan used for the lenses though, so you shouldn't worry too much.
Hi! I just buy a PT40 and change KPR103 bulb!The beam is perfect and very bright. I love it!
However, after burning 12 min, the textured bezel seems somehow little 'melted'. It's really trading for strong light!
Originally posted by jcwu88:
Hi! I just buy a PT40 and change KPR103 bulb!The beam is perfect and very bright. I love it!
However, after burning 12 min, the textured bezel seems somehow little 'melted'. It's really trading for strong light!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Try a XPR103. Due to the greater density and poorer thermal conductivity of xenon over krypton plus the higher pressure of the envelope, more heat is retained in the filament and less is transmitted to the envelope. There is an additional benefit of 2-3 times the bulb life over krypton bulbs because the higher filament temperature causes more tungsten to be redeposited on the filament.
I have run a R-Shack XPR103 in my Tec40 for over 6 hours [20-30 minutes at a time] with no signs of melting, though the lens does get uncomfortably warm.

I'd like to see photos of deformed Nitrolon please.

I've put my G2, G2Z, 8NX and 10X through hell with constant-on runtime tests and never even come close to deforming Nitrolon.


This nitrolon IS really strong stuff. I got crook teeth (cos I can't afford orthodontist) and I bite my lights sometimes. I've managed to put bite marks into the anodising of Mini-gag, but not this G2. Not even deliberate gauging with fingernails manage to make a mark.
Such a waste that the light is tough but the LA isn't... Maybe they will release KLs with serveral outter rings made of nitrolon so that the KL themselves don't dent.
Al: i'd love to, but i don't have a digital camera. trust me, when i do get pictures you'll be the first to receive it.
I run my 8X with 110 lumen lamp and lexan lens with a beamshaper on for 30-50 minutes every night while walking the dog and the lens has never melted. It does get hot though.

I melted a lexan lens on my 6P when someone put it face down on a table while still on and forgot about it.
stingray: i suspect it could be the not-so-hot weather over there. singapore's warm climate will worsen any thermal problems that surefires already have. my computer's cpu already runs 5 to 10 degrees celsius warmer than it should with my processor and heatsink combination.
Originally posted by Stingray:
I run my 8X with 110 lumen lamp and lexan lens with a beamshaper on for 30-50 minutes every night while walking the dog and the lens has never melted. It does get hot though.

I melted a lexan lens on my 6P when someone put it face down on a table while still on and forgot about it.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">what is the temperature u live?
i just my 6P here abt 15-30 degree C
It gets pretty hot here. In the 90's (F) most of the summer, with very high humidity. Most of the rest of the year is in the high 80's, occasional 90's always with high humidity. This winter has been unseasonably cool though. I have used the 8X on many hot humid nights, with the lexan lens, beanmhaper, and constant run for at least 30 minutes with no problems at all so far.

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