I recently re-bought an H53FcN headlamp (I had gotten a defective one years ago) when they were clearancing them out recently...
The H54FcN is the new one, and is even more efficient.
If I was looking for an AA/14500 headlamp in 2025, I'd probably save the $30-40 and get a Skilhunt H150 instead of a H54FcN.
It's, of course, a matter of your preferences, and what you favor and disfavor.
Here is my logic:
Pros for the H150:
-The flood on the H150 is much, much wider (which is a pro OR a con, depending on what you need)
-The headband is lightyears better and more comfortable (I don't run the top strap)
-You can keep the clip mounted to the light while it's in the headband with the H150
-The button placement is much better
-3 CCT's!
-On sale, you can almost get two for the price of one ZL
-Magnetic charging (This is a pro or a con, but I don't mind not having to remove the battery, and not having a port to eventually get filled with gunk, and you can still open it and charge the cell normally)
Pros for the H53FcN (or H54FcN):
-More efficient (not that the Skilhunt is bad; it is well regulated)
-Slightly smaller
-Throwier beam
Both have great beams, but if you're working with your hands, the H150 is amazing. If you're using it for walking/cycling, the ZL is likely better.
I know I'm blasphemous when I discuss quality and durability with and Zebralight... I fully acknowledge the durability/reliability metric is going to vary much more widely from person to person. It's all down to anectdotal evidence, and I understand that (heck, I bought another ZL, eventually). I have four H150's, and haven't had any issues with any of them. I've had two H53fcN's, and one was a complete turd. Both lights are one the better end of Chinese build quality, which is good. I haven't run into any major issues with having to warranty anything with Skilhunt, but they're in China, so I don't expect it'd go well. Dealing with the ZL warranty was one of the absolute worst CS experiences I'd ever had. I think the "Zebralight has a goofy UI" always sounds like people just don't like it, but mine behaved very erratically, and that ultimately ended up having to contact and deal with Zebralight. So, potted, goofy electronics is kind of a wash for me. I drop my H150's pretty often, and they've definetly fallen off my desk onto some cast iron free weights more times that I can count, and still no issues.
I tend to not place a lot of emphasis on durability of headlamps, anyway, because they are right on my forehead, so I tend to naturally shield my head from damage (while I tend to drop hand lights constantly, haha). So, for me, the durability/reliability aspect is a wash. I think both are perfectly fine choices, and I wouldn't be worried about either (to be fair to ZL, my new one worked correctly out of the box, and I haven't had any issues, yet).