Hmm interesting read. Thanks!
Wingerr said:
I'm not sure if the definition of gadget might need to be refined some- for instance, the Space Pen is a nifty concept but I wouldn't really consider it a gadget. It doesn't really qualify under their own definition regarding moving parts.
Or the Swingline stapler- a gadget?
Things I consider gadgets are items that follow an unusual path to solve a need or do something. Maybe like an ultrasonic tape measure, or a PaperPro stapler, which works like a staple gun, or a PDA, etc.
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I don't thinks they are too hard on themselves with the definitions:
"It has to be a self-contained apparatus that can be used on its own, not a subset of another device. The flashlight counts; the light bulb does not. The notebook counts, but the hard drive doesn't."
Yeah, so a harddrive isn't a gadget 'cause it's not a stand-alone device, but a mouse, a compactflash card and a thumbdrive can all be used on it's own huh? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif And seriously a car alarm keyfob is a gadget, but what about the TV remote, I personally use that about twenty times more often then the keyfob...