The Walking Dead ***POSSIBLE SPOILERS*** - You've Been Warned!


Aug 26, 2008
Henryfordville, MI
I'm having people over on Sunday for dinner, drinks, and passing out candy...but they've all been warned that at 10 the tube comes on and the dead will walk and the living will be quiet.

Anyone else excited about The Walking Dead on AMC? The comic was very well written and it looks like the show will be too.
Re: The Walking Dead

Just heard about this from my daughter last night. She is planning a Walking Dead party for Sunday also. I was going to settle in to watch ZombieLand but now we're planning on The Walking Dead also. I'm thinking a nice plate of nachos should be good. Followed by copious amounts of candy corn.
Re: The Walking Dead

Absolutely! I'll be out of town but it's set to DVR and I'm looking forward to watching it. It will be a good show to watch while sitting on the couch and doing some routine firearm cleaning... :thumbsup:
Re: The Walking Dead

I regularly have zombie drills with my 3 sons (13, 17 & 20)...figuring that if they are prepared for zombies (1), they are ready for anything.

We will all be camped out in front of the big screen eating popcorn and taking notes...

(1) Instead of zombies, think fire, civil insurrection, home breakin, natural disaster. The boys all know what to do, when and where to do it.
Re: The Walking Dead

This makes a nice desktop image...

Re: The Walking Dead

My daughter is driving me nuts continually singing The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore by the Walker Brothers since she saw the promo. I have it set on the DVR. It looks like it has the potential to be a good show.
Re: The Walking Dead

A differnt start compared to the comics so far.

but still the same theme.

Ok now it is going much more the way of the comics.
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Re: The Walking Dead

No spoilers!! I have to wait another 2 and a half hours to watch it!!
Re: The Walking Dead

Loving it so far!

Read the whole comic series, I was thrilled when I heard it was becoming a tv show.
Re: The Walking Dead

Not bad at all so far... I'm pretty sure I'm in it for the long haul.

Makes me wanna prep an Anti-Zombie Kit!
Re: The Walking Dead

The first episode was entertaining, looks like I'll be following this series for the long run.

Re: The Walking Dead

Very good first show!

I sometimes have trouble keeping up with shows, but I'm gonna try with this one! AMC never fails to deliver some classic entertainment!
Re: The Walking Dead

Looks like a great show. Awesome makeup and effects, believable characters and as expected, very well scripted. I don't watch much TV and after V let me down and The Event became tiresome and repetitive, this show has my attention.

My Fiance' got creeped out in the begining (the little girl zombie) and left the room to play Farmville. She came back just in time to see what happened to the horse. She won't be watching this show with me.:laughing:
Re: The Walking Dead

I love a good zombie movie, so I was looking forward to this show ever since they announced it. I watched it last night, and it did not disappoint.

Awesome show, hope it sticks around for a few seasons.
Re: The Walking Dead

I can't remember if there was any plot in Sunday's episode. Too busy going Ohh! from all the head shots and piercings.