The wonder mag light for the everyday guy


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 26, 2004
I see that most folks hate the mag light by brinkman, however they use them in many modifications time and time again. Some even hack the tube to make it shorter, others use custom battery holders to make it for a new lamp at a different voltage.

Anyway, most folks just do not know of surefire and the other manufactures nor are they willing to spend more than 20 bucks on a light. Outside of the mag series of lights, your alternative is the cheap plastic ones where the blub in my experience lasts about as long as a set of batteries does.

I owned and used a mag light most of my life. Unlike most other flashlights, the mini mag has never blown out on me, it just fades as the bulb wears. When the power fails it doubles as a candle and it stood up to the abuse of being on a key ring and tool box so long the black coating is rubbed off and in some places the grip area hashing too.

My uncle had one of those 7 cell units that came with a series of bulbs and could be disassembled to make a 2, 3 or 7 cell light. Man, he never bought batteries for it, just swapped out the bulbs as it started to dim.

Myself I have a larger 3 d cell light. It has a nice feel, throw and a quick flood to spot feature. I use it when the walmart brand led lights do not put out enough light to see what i need to see. Plus it has come in handle time and time again when I wanted to take something apart and do not have the right tools. A few whacks with the butt or barrow of the 3d mag light and I managed to take anything apart.

Just thought I would say something in defense of this product.
I have a friend who swears by maglights, and they really are pretty decent, especially for the price. Could they be improved? Yes. Do they beat the heck out of the typical flashlight the average guy has? Yup. I think price / performance on these lights is quite good. (Except for their 1X AAA solitaire, which really doesn't produce enough light to be useful for any purpose I've ever been able to discover!)

One nice thing about a multi-D cell mag is that when you carry one with you, alone in the woods at night, you have this awesome, cave-man like sense of holding a big club. (Only way this could be better were if it were actually on fire like a torch!) It probably doesn't really make you any safer, but you sure feel better knowing you can wallop something pretty good if things go bad. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twakfl.gif This feeling is ENTIRELY absent with one of my much brighter, but way tiny CR123A lights...
Hey cobb, don't mean to correct you, but Maglight and Brinkman are 2 different companies.

Now, as for Maglights being reliable, i have had nothing but great success using the D and AA maglights. I had bad luck with the mag 2AAA but that was over 12 years ago. I have had many mini-mags and D Mags. I even used my 3D Mag light when i was a bouncer in a local club/bar/pub with great success.

There are better lights for us CPF folks but as a back up or an affordable light, they are great. In fact i carry 1 regular mini-mag and a 3DMag light in my truck/car currently and am not ashamed to say they are stock mags.

I usually carry a SF or Dorcy on me also, but am quite content with using my mags if i have too.

I am going to order a few MJLEDs for my mini-mag but thats about it.
when i get bored i haul out my dads 6d mag and my uncles old motorcycle helmet and go terrorise 8 year olds /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Any of the AAA or AA M*gs ain't worth spit until you LED 'em.

But the C and D M*gs are tough and easily made at least useable. Good stuff for the price point for SURE!

That said, I rarely ever carry around a "club". Instead I usually have in hand a 2AA or 2L LED light.
Mag makes the Mag-Lite, Brinkmann makes those ones that come apart in segments.

I think the amount of Mag trashing (of its design at least) that goes on here is fairly rediculous. Folks don't spend any time talking about how useless and outdated similar lights are.

Think about the position they have in the market:
Someone wants a flashlight
They want a reliable, durable flashlight
They want to get batteries at Walgreens and Radio Shack
They want to be able to get bulbs from the same places
They don't want it to cost a lot

What does that leave you with? A PR-based, alkaline-cell flashlight. Who makes the best one that's available everywhere? Ta-da, Mag to the rescue. Some cheap LED lights are making inroads, but still not a major force in normal buys.

That said, the only Mag I normally use is a Magcharger. I have been infec...enlighted by this board after all. However I've noticed that it's very hard to convert the masses to similar views. Several times I've shown users of flickery Mini-Mags my Scorpion or 9P, and most of the time they laugh about buying a flashlight that's over $35, uses batteries you can't buy in stores, and expensive bulbs. Just no connection. When most people buy $3 flashlights and a $10 Mag is a luxury, they don't want to put out for a real boutique item.
Maglite vs everything else - wins because of solid build quality. The housings really are pretty nicely done for the money.

MrBenchmark.. try the Mag85 sometime, it's as close as you'll get to fire breathing out of it at least until bwaites' USL arrives /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I actually own MORE Mags than Surefires.... seriously! (and I have half a dozen SFs..) they are a wonderful mod platform because the basic structural housing is very well executed. Some of CPF's nicest mods are built on their hardware. Mag2HID/MiniHID, Mag85/11/60/74/yourfavoriteWAbulb, USL, the list goes on.
I've owned lots of mags, and have 7 right now, in fact this forum has convinced me to buy 3 recently (2c-3x123/KPR112, 3C w/ Luxeon, Solitaire w/ Luxeon). My AA is not being used and my 3- 2D's are waiting for superbulbs to arrive.

As far as reliability- most of my problems with them have been battery-related. I put the light in the car or whatever and 6 months later when I want to use it, it is pretty dim. I picked up the one beside my bed a few months ago and no output. I switched batteries and still nothing. I pulled the spare bulb out of the tailcap and still nothing. I discovered that both of its bulbs were bad (probably been dropped). These incidents convinced me to switch to Lithiums and LED's as much as possible. The incandescent mags that I have left will be used as toys more than as tools. Eventually all 7 of my mags will probably be modded one way or the other.
KevinL said:

MrBenchmark.. try the Mag85 sometime, it's as close as you'll get to fire breathing out of it at least until bwaites' USL arrives /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Thanks Kevin, I'll check it out. I've got a 3D cell mag that's sitting around not doing much of anything, having been PM6'd into early retirement a year or so ago. It would startle one of my friends who really likes mag lights if I brought something like that along when we were hiking. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif

BTW, I like mag lights - I think they are excellent for the money. I got sucked in to smaller, brighter, easier to carry lights because I'm too lazy to want to walk around with that many D cells!
I took my '85 out for a ride today. Heck it startles just about everybody else who simply cannot imagine that there is a flashlight with more raw power than car headlights.

Osram Silverstar H4 automotive bulb - 1050 lumens at the bulb (low beam), 1600 lumens (high beam)
Overdriven WA1185 after CPFer has gotten to it - 1200+ lumens at the bulb


Swinging that one around in the woods is awe inspiring even if you know what you're handling.

Small lights are nice for carry. I have many small practical lights (usually the Surefires), but once I got the U2, it put so many of the practical lights out of business that it gave me a chance to focus on the crazy bright lights and I can't say I don't like 'em /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif

The bwaites Ultimate Stealthlight (USL) is a 2D sized Mag (yeah, that "mag" thing again), 3000 lumens. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/str.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/faint.gif :graemlin-being-carried-out-on-a-stretcher-by-medics:
KevinL said:
I took my '85 out for a ride today. Heck it startles just about everybody else who simply cannot imagine that there is a flashlight with more raw power than car headlights.

Osram Silverstar H4 automotive bulb - 1050 lumens at the bulb (low beam), 1600 lumens (high beam)
Overdriven WA1185 after CPFer has gotten to it - 1200+ lumens at the bulb


Swinging that one around in the woods is awe inspiring even if you know what you're handling.

Small lights are nice for carry. I have many small practical lights (usually the Surefires), but once I got the U2, it put so many of the practical lights out of business that it gave me a chance to focus on the crazy bright lights and I can't say I don't like 'em /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif

The bwaites Ultimate Stealthlight (USL) is a 2D sized Mag (yeah, that "mag" thing again), 3000 lumens. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/str.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/faint.gif :graemlin-being-carried-out-on-a-stretcher-by-medics:

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Holy cow! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowdown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif

Yeah, I'm going to have to spend some time over in the incand. forum and learn how to do this stuff - those sound awesome! I haven't gone for the U2, but I have a e1e/kl1, L2, and L6, and between those most of my small, practical light needs are covered. (I really like the L6!) I like carrying more than one light anyway, because I almost always drop one while I'm out. Frequently by pitching face-first into the dirt myself - light goes flying. Lanyards help.

But a 1200 lumen maglite. Wow. Heck yeah I'd carry that! What kind of runtime do you get with that? Oh who cares?!?

I get a vague feeling that you like your Mag85. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

I've never been one to trash Mag. I think they are, or were at one point, the flashlight company to beat. Not the brightest for sure, but readily available and not too expensive. I think their biggest shortcoming is their avoidance of LED technology. I see no reason they should not have started to embrace LEDs. Beam quality could also be improved with a textured reflector. Also, their hideously ineffective 'focus' system. It should be illegal to call that a focusing system. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

On the other hand, they sell an awful lot of lights and of the countless folks I know that own Maglights, not one of them has ever complained about the output or the focus system. But then, that's why we come to this forum... To make what we have better and to find things better than what we have.

I've personally never really cared for the MiniMags either. I like the fake MiniMag that you see with the Great Neck logo and the fake Qwest lights that have the clickie on the end. Plus you can now get them 3 for $8 at ****'s Sporting Goods.
The reason I came to this forum was to find an alternative to the lousy Mag Lights.

The company I used to work for issued the 3D mag lights. The thing drove me nuts. We needed a light that could get dirty. But when the Mag got dirty, the dirt always got inside the light and messed with the contacts causing flickering. We constantly had to clean them out. This happened with several Mag lights.

Also, the light output was pitiful for such a long heavy light.

Granted, the Mag light is cheap and you get what you pay for but I got real tired of other people telling me that "Mag Lights are the BEST flashlights out there!" when all I wanted to do was smash my Mag Light into a thousand pieces.

I think there are two reasons people think Mag Lights are so good:

1) They do LOOK good! Nicely machined aluminum. They look much better and stronger than the cheapo plastic lights.

2) The name "Mag Light" sounds tough, macho, and impressive. It's truly a great (but misplaced) name for a light. Great marketing.
I have been using Magcharger since 1988 and I am searching for a flashlight with more "power" (more LUMEN).
Mag 2D with 3000Lumen-??,how do I get one.
Is there someone in this forum who have used Goncz flashlights ,please let me know if they are exellent. Thanks
ZeissOEM2 said:
I have been using Magcharger since 1988 and I am searching for a flashlight with more "power" (more LUMEN).
Mag 2D with 3000Lumen-??,how do I get one.
Is there someone in this forum who have used Goncz flashlights ,please let me know if they are exellent. Thanks

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1: I recommend that you don't buy a Goncz light!!!!!!!

2: If you do a search on "Goncz" you will be quite amused, especially if you can find the long thread on Blade Forums.

Here are some links to help you in your search.
Sean's Flashlight & LED Site
Craig's LED Museum & Flashlight Review Site
Quickbeam's Flashlight Reviews

Enjoy /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

PS: Welcome to CPF /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif
Hey Zeiss- if you already have a magcharger then you are almost there since you already have the bi-pin socket, aluminum reflector and glass lens. You have 2 choices:

1) Install an 1160 bulb.
2) Install 9xAA NiMH's and the 1185 bulb.
I use my mag for work alot of the times, 3 cell. I found that when I use my surefire to inspect a home my customers are a bit set back by the "little" light in my hand. It's a perception thing I guess. When the customer is not standing beside me I use my Surefire so I can actually see, and my Mag when I want them to think I can see.
Dollers to donuts.. Well, My Mag was $31 and my surefire was $33. No difference in my mind. Batteries you say, well, If my mag spends one night in my truck and is called to duty the next morning it won't work, cold batteries.
It has seen it's share of work, I use it to pound nails, knock the ice out of my wheel wells and as light in an emergency situation (like when someone asks to borrow a flashlight). I carry it every day, and it shows. I would love to mod it a bit, I hate yellow light.
My son has the identical light in a mini-mag, he loves it because it is just like mine, it needs to be modded too..
I have been a mag fan for many years..Then I bought my surefire.
Happy modding!
GrnXnham said:The company I used to work for issued the 3D mag lights. The thing drove me nuts. We needed a light that could get dirty. But when the Mag got dirty, the dirt always got inside the light and messed with the contacts causing flickering. We constantly had to clean them out. This happened with several Mag lights.

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I'm curious how you got dirt inside the light. Those things are O-ring sealed for water resistance. Perhaps it got in there during battery or bulb changes and it's not actually a design flaw.
3,000 lumens? I think you either need to have some sort of fusion reactor in there or maybe wait another couple decades. 3,000 lumens is an awful lot!

I think right around 800 lumens is the most that can be expected out of a 2D or 3D form factor and we're talking custom made high current adapters using multiple AA batteries and bulbs that are expensive and not readily available as well as aftermarket reflectors and lenses. Even then, depending on the temperature and humidity, you may have to contend with issues like condensation and fogging up of the lens and reflector.

Do you know what 3,000 lumens will be like?