I am not entirely sure that this thread belongs here...but...:thinking:
I recently had the oppotunity to take a look inside a Light that is typically used in a theatre as a spot light/ or as effects...etc.
My First discovery was the HUGE Osram bulb inside. It was literally like 3 times the size of a Wa11185 or ROP bulb.
I always wondered how they get a nice, even hotspot, with no spill, or if they wanted, a hard hotspot. The particular one i looked at had a Fresnel Lens.
Question: Doesnt a Fresnel Lens Project an image of the light source? meaning, it should project the image of the glowing coils within the Bulb right? where then , does the Even spot come from?
Somethign else i notice. inside the light, is a VERY small reflector. Its a very fine, heavy OP, but it only covered one side of the bulb, leaving most of the bulb to just emit light in whatever direction.
Our lights have around 65-80% efficiency in the light out the front. In that case, these theatre lights, have perhaps, 30-50% out the front?
My gosh that is low efficiency. Is it then possible to make a portable light, Mag sized, with WAY higher efficiency (so less bulb lumens are needed) and still have the nice even hotspot?
I recently had the oppotunity to take a look inside a Light that is typically used in a theatre as a spot light/ or as effects...etc.
My First discovery was the HUGE Osram bulb inside. It was literally like 3 times the size of a Wa11185 or ROP bulb.
I always wondered how they get a nice, even hotspot, with no spill, or if they wanted, a hard hotspot. The particular one i looked at had a Fresnel Lens.
Question: Doesnt a Fresnel Lens Project an image of the light source? meaning, it should project the image of the glowing coils within the Bulb right? where then , does the Even spot come from?
Somethign else i notice. inside the light, is a VERY small reflector. Its a very fine, heavy OP, but it only covered one side of the bulb, leaving most of the bulb to just emit light in whatever direction.
Our lights have around 65-80% efficiency in the light out the front. In that case, these theatre lights, have perhaps, 30-50% out the front?
My gosh that is low efficiency. Is it then possible to make a portable light, Mag sized, with WAY higher efficiency (so less bulb lumens are needed) and still have the nice even hotspot?