there are some Jokes

Had a funny experience on a job site once. Boss had me hammering in grading nails near a haul away dumpster. When I hammered one in, gas streamed out of the ground. I jumped three feet up in the air and freaked out because I thought I hit a gas line. Boss was standing by laughing his a$$ off. It turns out, someone had completely buried a full butane canister by the dumpster and I drove a nail right into it.
Not a joke per se, but this has to be one of the silliest auto accidents in recent memory. No injuries, but this vehicle was involved in an accident on Chicago highways the other day. Maybe the driver was driving like a hot dog.

Two gentlemen arrived at the Pearly Gates. One a pastor, one a politician. St Peter said "gentlemen, nice to see you". He says "we have a fine place for each of you ready to go, just follow me".
There's a variation of this with the latter being a pilot. The pilot gets the mansion and desirable things.

The pastor protests this, but St. Peter responds that while the pastor had done good work for the Kingdom, that airline pilot made thousands of people actually pray out loud during his career.
Hats off to PhotonWrangler for his jokes which are short (and easy to remember), always witty/clever and funny, and can be told just about anywhere to anyone to get a laugh or at least a smile!

Hats off to PhotonWrangler for his jokes which are short (and easy to remember), always witty/clever and funny, and can be told just about anywhere to anyone to get a laugh or at least a smile!

Aww thank you Dave. I try to keep them lighthearted and G-rated.

I enjoy everyone's contributions in this thread.
A father and his son are fishing and spending quality time on the lake.

The young boy sees an airplane flying in the sky and says, "Dad, when I grow up, I want to be a pilot!"

The father looks down, with a bit of sadness and replies, "I'm sorry son, you can't do both."

As a pilot, I'll fully confirm this is true. I find myself regressing every year too.