thermal guy
Well it's probably the one I tend to grab the most. A 6P with Malkoff M60F. Now a 3 cell thanks to a cell extender.
Sorry StraightShot, I tried but after a while realized I wouldn't even be on CPF if I only had a single favorite :nana:Other than the flashlight that is closest and easiest to grab when you need it, what is your favorite all-around flashlight? Give it some thought. Is it the one that fits in your pocket, the one that rests on your work bench, or the one that sits next to your bed? My favorite seems to change regularly.
Zebralight headlamps of almost any flavor. I have five or so. Most used. Most useful. Most loved.
My favorite seems to change regularly.
Zebralight headlamps of almost any flavor. I have five or so. Most used. Most useful. Most loved.
I have both of the red headlamps from ZL, the 502r and 502pr. They are rated at .003 lumens on low. Under normal indoor lighting, it is hard to tell when looking directly at the LED whether it is on or off. In darkness (inside a tent, outdoors stargazing), I usually have to select a slightly higher mode than the lowest, even with dark-adapted eyes, in order for it to be useful. On high, they are rated at 100 lumens, and have a very bright, very wide beam.Do any of them have a low Lumen red LED option?
Sorry StraightShot, I tried but after a while realized I wouldn't even be on CPF if I only had a single favorite :nana: