this should be fun, help me buy a light

Wow! What kinds of needs might you have?

Some of my favorites they stock are:

$22 PT Attitude (my favorite LED)
$15 PT Rage, neat, bright, compact incandescent
$35 PT Surge, REALLY BRIGHT, AA based light
Onew is a just for fun light...I really want an inova xt5 but this is found money...I also was leaning towards the attitude and I may just get two and give one as a gift...the gift would go to my friend with diabetes and poor vision who uses a light to check depth perception at night (stairs and such) LED would give the burn time without worrying about changing batteries...he's not very technical minded (I had to show him how to take the head off the scorpion to change the bats) so this would be great for him...but I'm still open to other suggestions......
The Rage and the Attitude make a great pair!

They share the same body & batteries. The heads are interchangeable. Both really compact and easy to carry.

If you are going to use them a lot, get a Ray-O-Vac PS4 NiMH charger and 4 AAAs (or more) and you'll enjoy, compact, versatile and bright lights very inexpensively!
thanks ikendu....i have a 4 c cell princeton tec from my dive bag that I put in the'm really stocking up fast for a for two attitudes came to 54.35 with tax and shipping so I had to kick in a few extra bucks...oh well....
For the AA/AAA section lights, I would definately go for a PT Surge.

For the C/D section lights, I'd cast a vote for the PT Tech 600.

Most of these prices are up there, but with a coupon for $50, you can get some pretty good lights...
well, the prices may be high but I have to use the certificate...I've had it since 1998 and there is absolutely nothing else I need so for 4 bucks I got two attitudes...I guess I did all right at 2 bucks a piece....
My vote is likely not practical, but I have wanted to hear from someone who owns it:


Does anyone out their have this one by chance already?