THREE OVERLOOKED FEATURES OF THE E2 (and why the Elite may not be so elite)


Oct 13, 2001
Many of us love the Surefire E2, but we're also aware of its failings: lack of a lock-out tailcap, no anti-roll bezel, etc. etc. But in fact the E2 has some features that I have rarely or never seen mentioned on CPF.

1)As a few of us have noted, the E2's belt clip acts as an excellent anti-roll device. Test it and I think you'll agree.

2)No lockout tail cap? Here's the next best thing: Loosen both the tail cap and the bezel. At a certain point of looseness not even the most aggressive "punch" on the tail switch will cause the slightest flicker. I don't advise
this if you carry the E2 clipped to your belt, but in a holster there's no problem. (Note that this does NOT work on the 6P)

3) There is a way to use the E2 in normal "flashlight position", along with a convenient switch. First, tighten the tailpiece until it lights; then unscrew the bezel just enough for the light to go out. Then just hold it like a regular flashlight and use the belt clip as a rotary thumb switch; it's easy and requires only a slight motion. If you try this in reverse by tightening the bezel,securing the loosened tailpiece with your fourth or 5th finger, and rotating the E2's body, it can be made to work, but it's much less efficient than the first way.

I've seen the proposed Elite. I think it's ugly, clunky, and somewhat gross, at least compared to the lovely elegance of the classic E2. I have no objection if Surefire plans to have two separate E2 lines, with the Elite as the "Tac" model and the current E2 as itself. But if they intend to have only one E2 I vote most strongly to keep the little guy (gal?) just as he/she is!

Just one man's opinion.
I would much rather see Surefire spend it's E-line efforts on devoloping an E3 rather then modifying current E offerings.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by brightnorm:
Did you know that the E2 has a built in dimmer control? Sounds impossible, but try this: operate the E2 as described in #3. This time, however, become sensitive to the point when "ignition" first occurs. If you
rotate the bezel very carefully you will be able to achieve several levels of brightness! This should enable you to significantly extend battery life, while having immediate access to the brightest light. If you do it right, the light level will stay right where you want it. )Avoid flickering.) NOTE TO FLASHAHOLICS MORE
KNOWLEDGEABLE THAN ME: Is this in any way damaging to the light, either to batteries or bulb?

I wouldn't advise u to do dat, unless u want a dead MN03, and i don't think u will save batt by much.
I really have to respectfully disagree here. I think that the E2 is the pinnacle of small flashlights. Should an E3 be produced I would definitely purchase one, but that being said, I am not all that excited about it. Two batteries is about all I think a small flashlight should take, and I think that the E2 is the perfect size.

As far as the Elite is concerned, I really think that it has taken some unfair criticism. The E2 Elite is to the E2 as the M2 is to the 6P. The Elite is just a more feature-packed evolution of the base line E2. What is so ugly and unbecoming about the Elite, I just don't get it. All that has been added cosmetically is a different and for all intensive purposes, better pocket clip in the style of the M2. The new clip is more sturdy and provides more clipping options. Accordingly, the bezel has been flattened on four sides to add purchase and allow the pocket clip to function better, another change that will make the light work better. The other small change is to "anti-roll" the bezel by making it octagonal(?) so that it doesn't roll as easily. I realize that the old E2 didn't roll much as it was, but with the new bezel it won't have to roll even a little before sitting securely on a surface.

I really like the options AND the look of the new Elite and I think that people are either being tainted by the odd reflections of the gold in the picture that PK provided, and/or there is some serious bandwagoning going on since the first statement of dislike of the Elite.

The new Elite is just a more feature-packed version of the E2. It adds features and therefore the look will change a little - BUT NOT THAT MUCH. How could the anti-roll bezel and the new pocket clip be added without making the Elite look approximately like it does now? I really don't see any way. How else could it look with those features? If new features are not added to the Elite, what would be the point of having an update of the E2?

Does anyone else like the looks of the new Elite? I know I am not the only one. Personally, I absolutely cannot wait to get a new E2 Elite. Let the countdown begin.

While I make no claim to be more knowledgable than anyone (at least not in witing
), your fourth point does bear some further scrutiny. My understanding (and I'm going purely on memory here) is that the high-pressure halogen/xenon lamps require the extra heat provided by the burning filament to burn away the tungsten deposits that are created as a byproduct of the Halogen/Xenon+heat. If you underpower any of the SF 2-cell+ lamps, you'll allow buildup on the inside of the globe (yellowing) and/or on the filament itself, thereby potentially decreasing the lifespan of your lamp module. This effect can also be created by using your 123A's to the bitter end and you get that yellowing light- you're underpowering the lamp and can cause the same problems above.
I really appreciate the replies, especially the advice that I may be doing harm with my "dimmer" scheme. That idea goes out the window right now! However, If you will try out my third idea ("rotary switch" in "flashlight position") I believe you might be pleasantly surprised. I find it a relief to not always have to use the E2 in "tac" position, especially since it isn't normally used (so far) in a "tac" situation.
Bucky, it is definitely not my intention to attack the Elite. In fact, if I had never seen the E2 I might well have really liked it. But I have to go with how I feel. I truly love the aesthetics of the E2; I find it elegant and appealing in a way that I haven't with all other lights I own or have seen. It has an almost jewel-like aspect to it. I don't expect that from my lights; I usually like a more "Tech" or "Tac" look: Rugged, practical and special. But the Elite is different. If I can make a crude analogy; it's like having dated many strong, attractive, big-boned peasant-solid women, and then suddenly seen this elegant beauty
standing there alone. (My girlfriend will NEVER understand my attachment and interest in all these lights. She will never be a flashaholic, as none of my friends are)
In terms of pure function, I'm in full agreement with your statemants, but I've never cared much for the anti-roll bezel-it has a very industrial look, and I also miss that middle "demarcation ring" or whatever it's called in the Elite. I wouldn't mind that on my 6P or its successor,but it genuinely bothers me on the E2.

Best regards,
Unless there is more information posted that I haven't seen, all we have to go on is one picture of the Elite and PK's confirmation of some rumors. I think we should all reserve judgment until there are more pictures or reports from field testers. We don't even have an offical "features" list.

On the other hand, our input may help improve the light while it is still in prototype stage.

If SF keeps both, then everyone will be happy.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bucky:
..... Should an E3 be produced I would definitely purchase one, but that being said, I am not all that excited about it. Two batteries is about all I think a small flashlight should take, and I think that the E2 is the perfect size.

As far as the Elite is concerned, ........... the bezel has been flattened on four sides to add purchase .......... The other small change is to "anti-roll" the bezel by making it octagonal(?) so that it doesn't roll as easily.

Bucky, an E3 would only be virtually the exact head diam./ overall length of a 2AA Mag-Lite.

The anti-roll bezel isn't really necessary, imho. It makes it look bulkier. Also there is a Round, "square", and Hexagonal cross-section in the same small torch.
The pyrex and clickie etc should also be available in the E2. (Of course, the parts are interchangeable.) The Elite loses the elegance of the Exec style.
You didn't mention the "shoulders" for the clip housing - they also add to the percieved size.
Just when I thought that SF were changing their market strategy, the Elite seems to be a "Militarised" rather than an "Executived" model.

Yes, I'll probably buy one.

One other thing I like about the E2: Because it''s so elegant-looking it makes a really nice gift for anyone, not just a tech-oriented person. People seem to have a different response to it than they do to the more Tac-looking lights.

Is the clickie tailcap available on the Elite models?

I too prefer the E2 look over the Elite look.

I'm afraid I can't asnswer your question about the clickie. Sorry
