Tiger light

Eric S

Newly Enlightened
Jun 9, 2002
Loganville, Ga
Does any body have one or has seen a comparison of this light to the US, SL35, SL20 or a SF rechargable?
Also how many lumens does it produce?
This one?
My sone got one for Christmas. I haven't tested it side by side, but I don't think it's quite as bright.


How about a picture or link?
If I had a flashlight that growled when I was a kid, I'd have probably thrown the growling flashlight to the ground, stomped it to pieces, and then "disposed of the body" in the cistern or behind a large piece of furniture.

I did something very similar to a Mickey Mouse watch I got when I was 4 or 5, after it started making a very loud sound after overwinding it.
Quote from web page--FEATURES AND BENEFITS:

A flashlight is a powerful tool for the imagination! Kids can create shadow plays, lead evening expeditions through the backyard, have a buddy for camp outs, and read under the sheets after "lights out."---By learning to control their environment and/or conquer their fears, children gain independence and build self-confidence and self-reliance.

Now we have more reasons to give our children flashlights
I have the non-OC version, and it's the brightest and has the longest throw of any light I own. I would use it on the job, but it's a pain to carry.


P.S> do a search for it, as I wrote up a review on it...
Do a CPF search for member 581 in the last week. He gave some url's for where to buy. The price is coming down on the lights.