Tigerlight FBOP vs Surefire M4

Joe Talmadge

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2000
Silicon Valley, CA
Got my Tigerlight yesterday, charged it up last night. The charging system is as inelegant as you've all described, although mine seems to snap in without too much pressure, and makes good firm contact. I think hearing about how tremendously heavy the light is has helped set my expections, because while I agree it's heavy, I was imagining it feeling like a big bar of lead.

I did some quick tests of a fully charged Tigerlight versus an M4 with new DL123As and the 350 lumen lamp.

At short range, the Tigerlight's hotspot has a small superwhite superbright spot, then a bit blotchy spot around that, and then a generously bright corona. The M4's spot is bigger than the two central Tigerlight's spots, but not by much. It's not as bright, especially nowhere near as bright as the superbright center of the Tigerlight. The Tigerlight's superbright center is so bright, if my M4 is really X candlepower, I'd have to guess that little superbright center is at least 1.5 times X! Lumens-wise, if my M4 is really 350, the Tigerlight is at least that, and probably more.

At longer range -- across my yard -- the difference is more apparent. The M4 smoothly and brightly lights up a bigger central area, with a bit less corona spill. The Tigerlight superbrightly lights up a smaller area, surrounded by a brighter corona.

The farthest tree from my backyard, maybe 100 yards, is still easily and brightly lit up by both lights. Maybe later tonight I'll hunt around for a suitable target that's farther out.

I'm very very happy with the Tigerlight. I'm finding I like the bright corona. In a tactical situation, there's merit to blinding the target but being able to see the rest of the area.

Thanks for the great review Joe.

Alright, time to order mine from Dan I guess - along with the UCL lens from Chris at flashlightlens.com while I'm at it. May as well go all out.
All the great recent reviews and comparisons have really made me a believer; add the fact that it is rechargeable and reasonably priced, and it becomes a must-have. Can't wait to see the Tigerlight for myself.

Joe..My Tigerlight has grown on me. At first I didn't know if I was going to keep it but I will.

See the thread from flashlightlens.com in the Dealers Corner. I just ordered a glass lens for $7 from Chris and expect it in a few days. It should make a big difference in the amount of light transmitted as well as the durability of the lens.

Yep, I just ordered a glass lens, too. A nice little boost for $7, not bad!

Bucky, I think part of the trick is to have your expectations set properly. So, to that effect:

- Holy $*!&, does this thing weigh like 20 pounds?
- You call this a recharger?
- That gold ring. I mean, have you seen it?

I just got mine today, & so far, am very pleased with it. Much lighter than I expected. Now I just have to talk myself into giving it to my daughter (the reason I bought it). Will probably end up getting an 8" for myself from Dan on his "special". TX
My charger was the one with the bad electrical contact, but that was because I got a bad charger that was out of spec. Even though it was under warranty, I was able to fix the contact problem, and nobody else seems to have this problem. Now that I'm used to the charger, it's fine. Yes, you have to push the light down into the charger with 18 pounds of force, but the part of the light that snaps between the clamps is very smooth, so it's not as bad as I originally said it was, in fact, now that I'm used to it, it takes only 1 second if I concentrate (2 seconds if I'm lazy and tired) and it is no problem whatsoever. Of course, the next generation charger should probably be redesigned.

I just read about flashlightlens.com on this thread, and I checked the website, and it has been updated today (12-11) and the TigerLight glass lens (UCL lens = Ultra Clear Lens, 99% translucent) is indeed available for $7.00 with free shipping, so I just ordered one and paid with PayPal, probably my fastest online purchase ever, took about 60 seconds from start to finish.

Now that I've had the TigerLight for about 3 weeks, I must say that I could not imagine going back to my 8AX, now that I have perhaps 3 times as much light. Also, I'm still amazed at the whiteness of the beam: it is whiter than any other light source I know. I thought that the various light bulbs in my house produced white light until I compared them with the TigerLight, which showed that they are actually somewhat yellowish (even the 1100 lumen 75 watt Sylvania narrow spot halogen bulb that I use like a dentist's light when I want to look at my teeth has a yellowish color temperature compared to the TL). Max
agent8698..I ordered the glass lens for my TL 8" tonight also. I don't know why these companies use lexan or other material for the lens. For a simple $7 retail, the light is dramatically improved.

Look at the Surefire products that still don't use Pyrex. Wouldn't you pay a few bucks extra for that feature? I don't like to leave any of my SF lights on for more than a minute in fear of melting the lens.

Hopefully Chris at flashlightlens.com can create glass lenses for the SF products.

Originally posted by Joe Talmadge:
- That gold ring. I mean, have you seen it?

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I am not a big fan of the gold ring either, but if this thing is anywhere near as bright as you guys say it is, I think I might be able to deal with it.

I also can't wait to see how big of a difference the UCL from flashlightlens.com makes too.

I'm always concerned that any attempt to use pepper spray on an assailant may backfire and your Tigerlight will be used on you.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">This brings up a valid issue for this forum: proper tactical use of such products as the TL with pepper spray. I suspect that it could be a very serious mistake to stand around and watch the effects of deploying your spray when you should be making tracks the other direction as fast as you can manage.

The tactical use of the TigerLight:

I have mentioned this before, I think.

I am a police officer, I work the night shift and have deployed pepper spray so many times I can not even tell you.

The tactical use of pepper spray is as follows:

When used correctly I have not seen many things that work better.

Sotto is correct if you are not LEO you should be going the other direction after you spray.

Pepper spray gives you a chance to defend yourself when your attacker is further away. The fact is, if he is close enough for you to hit him, then you are close enough to get hit.

I have seen pepper spray deployed from a TigerLight disable as many as four hostiles. Depending on the spray used it is effective out to 20 feet. I nhave also felt the effects of the spray from my TigerLight, not fun, I have never been disabled. I think training and knowledge makes the difference.

Bottom Line:

Any weapon has limitations and if you don't take time to consider tactics and learn how to use the tools. They will be of little use to you.

That is why the Air Force Special Ops has rated the TL as three weapons in one.

1. Extreme Light
2. Chemical
3. Club
Now if we could make #3 a "jet pulpultion (sp) unit, it would be perfect. :>) TX
(I also own & shoot lots of different guns....but given the choice, I'ld rather LEAVE than shoot someone.)
Randy (TigerLight Pro) -

With all the rave reviews I've been reading about the TigerLight, you may sell so many you can retire from the police force! I think you have produced a hit product.

I'll probably get a TL with pepper spray. I do own a couple guns, but the thought of ever having to use them on someone is the stuff nightmares are made of. Horrible possibility. As you say, the TL is considered to be three weapons in one. And if it's ever used on the wrong person by mistake, the consequences would be temporary, not eternal.
My TL came with the inert spray and so I had to try it.

The TL puts out a spray with about the same force as a can of carb. cleaner. For those of you that have never used carb. cleaner, the best comparison I can make is to say it comes out about 3-5 times the force and volume put out by a typical aerosol can. I believe this thing would stop 3-4 aggressors rather quickly.
Randy and Diesel Dave:

Could you please give us an idea of the approximate effective distance and diameter of the stream vs. cone sprays that are available for the TL?

Originally posted by sotto:
Randy and Diesel Dave:

Could you please give us an idea of the approximate effective distance and diameter of the stream vs. cone sprays
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I have both stream and cone Fox Lab 2 oz cans. These are the cop top models that I carry with me when I walk or in the car. Keep in mind the stream shoots about twice the distance as the cone but is in a more liquidfied state. The cone is more of a mist and from what I understand this allows it to absorb more quickly.

I have ordered the Fox Lab spray for my Tigerlight so I'll test it when it arrives.
Originally posted by SuRgE:
I have ordered the Fox Lab spray for my Tigerlight so I'll test it when it arrives.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">So the Tigerlight-compatible Fox product is now available. That's good news, and must have happened very recently because I was told it was not available.

The Fox Labs product is rated at 5,000,000 SHU, at least twice as high as any other OC product. The SHU rating (Scofield Heat Units) is more accurate than the % rating because it's a measure of potency which is directly affected by what concentration of which of the hundreds of varieties of hot peppers is used. IE: A 10% spray of moderately hot OC is less effective than a 2% spray of super hot OC.

Trouble is, even the SHU ratings themselves were derived from highly subjective tests. However, they are apparently the best ratings currently available.

Since Randy is highly experienced in the deployment and effects of OC, I would like to get his opinion on the most effective formula. Has he had the opportunity to test the Fox OC?

Randy speaks of the importance of proper training. It would be useful to many Flashaholics if he could suggest some sources of OC training for civilians.
