Tigerlight Lens Replacement Question


Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2002
I received my new lens for my 11" Tigerlight yesterday from www.flashlightlens.com (good service, quick delivery, & exactly as ordered). I really like the lens, however, when I tighten the bezel down, the o ring squishes out because the new lens is thicker than the original one - even if I don't tighten it down very much it still pops out on one side. Anyone else have this experience or have a solution?

I had this happen too. What I did was tighten the bezel until it was moderately tight on the squished-out O-ring. Then, I used my finger tips to tuck the squished-out part back inside, at which point I was able to turn the bezel down further. In other words, when you first turn the bezel down and it feels tight, that's only because it's squishing down on the squirted-out O-ring. Once you tuck the O-ring in, it can turn down more.

Now, what I have no idea of is whether or not the thing is still water-resistant. Maybe I'll do a careful check tonight.

I have the same problem on my tigerlight and I have the OEM lens. I think the O-ring is a tad larger than it needs to be. I deal with it the same way as Joe...Tighten a little, push it back in, tighten, push, etc...
Both my OEM lens and replacement glass lens fit perfectly on my Tigerlight. Since my light was shipped directly from TL less than 2 weeks ago they may have fixed this o-ring problem. Who knows?

Mine was shipped directly from TL too, around 2 weeks ago. Not only is the O-ring definitely a little too big, it already had a small crack in it (I've since silicone greased-up the ring). That's why I'm a little worried about the water resistance.

I had exactly the same problem and assumed the light came with a n overize Oring. I ordered four more. They are exactly the same.

Randy, if you are reading this please advise us.

I spoke with Michael at TigerLight about the o-ring issue. He recognized the difficulty with keeping the o-ring in place when tightening the cap down. The reason for the difficulty is due to the design of the area in which the o-ring sits. Newer models of the light have been designed to help hold the o-ring in place - including the newer 8" models.

He recommended the same thing that Joe mentioned - To pay close attention as it's being tightened and make sure the o-ring gets tucked in if it moves out of place.

Hope this helps!
Still, the size of the O-Ring being used appears to be contributing to the problems that some of us are experiencing. I've done some measuring and here's what things look like to me:

#035 .070" Std O-Ring = 2.239" ID

My Tigerlight:
O-Ring cross section = ~.070"
O-Ring ID = ~2.230"
Barrel groove OD = ~2.165"

#034 .070" Std O-Ring = 2.114 ID

I'd guess that Tigerlight used a #35 ring on my relatively recent light, and it is measuring a little under the nominal for a standard O-Ring size because it's been "squished" for a while.

Any way you look at it, there's too much slop between the barrel OD and O-Ring ID, it should be an intereference fit. Things are likely to be worse for those who lubricate, that just helps the thing extrude out of place.

So, I'm looking for some #34 O-Rings in either Buna-N (Nitrile) or Viton compound. I don't think the "stretch" will hurt in this application, but there's only one way to find out.

John - If you think a #034 o-ring will work, I'll go ahead and start including one with all of my 55mm lenses. I have a source that will give them to me for about $.10 each.

Does anyone else have measurements that concur with John's?

flashlightlens, can you throw a #34 in with my lens you're shipping tomorrow?
tkl - I won't have the o-rings until Thursday - do you want to wait?

For that matter, does anyone else want to wait who currently has some 55mm UCL's on order?


Interesting issue re Tigerlight. All 3 of my 55mm's arrived today and I'll try them in my SL's tonight.

If you ever get around to making lenses for the Brinkmann 5-3-2 and other Brinkmann D lights, be aware that the 5-3-2 lens gasket is thick and grooved to wrap around the edge of the lens.
Chris - I don't want to say a #034 is a for sure thing wihout trying it. I just finished scrounging through several O-Ring stashes... lots of truly bizarre stuff, but no #034s. Looks like I'll have to "go shopping", but that's not going to happen until Friday at the earliest. Maybe someone else can score a trial #034 before then.

I really need to get a TL. Is the fact that I make a lens for it reason enough to get one? I think so - the wife may not......

I ordered the o-rings and may actually have them tomorrow.

I'm going to try to get together with Michael from TL this weekend so we can take a look at the fit and durability of my lens. It should be really interesting. I look forward to seeing the operation in person.

I'm fairly certain that after I get to play with a TL for a while, I'll need to have one. Compulsive gadget buying habits - one of the many things I inherited (or learned) from my father.

Originally posted by flashlightlens.com:
tkl - I won't have the o-rings until Thursday - do you want to wait?

For that matter, does anyone else want to wait who currently has some 55mm UCL's on order?

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">nah, i need an excuse to go to the hardware store anyway.

notice how nobody thinks tigerlight uses some special o-ring that has to be ordered direct like the sf junkies?
Is the fact that I make a lens for it reason enough to get one?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">What a novel concept, a REAL reason for owning a particular light!

I always thought that all light "justifications" had to be long, agonizing, convoluted and accompanied by heaping piles of emotion and BS... Mine are!

I've had the same problems with the O-rings on my TLs. Just tuck and continue tightening. I don't know anything about sizes, so if you guys figure out the right size,.... well, thanks and be sure to post. I love these lights with the new lenses. Chris, thanks again! Just for the record, I went out to break up a fight between two of my testosterone-riddled tomcats, and got a chance to shine my TL across the floodplain I live on. I always worry about the neighbors who live directly across from me, so I don't often shine my lights in that direction. I don't know the exact measurements, but would guess that it's AT LEAST 200 yards across. My TL with the new lens put some light on the tops of the oak trees on the other side. The hotspot is not nearly the size of the M6, but it seems to keep going, and going, and .....
I really appreciate this thing more everytime I use it. It's almost fun trying to perfect it :)
It's almost fun trying to perfect it
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">And, after that happens... It'd MOD time! Has anyone else fantasized about sticking a Luxeon (1 or 5 watt), a converter that will work off the existing battery and another switch into the PS receptacle on the back end of an 11" TL? Talk about the best of both worlds... sort of like an A2 on steroids, only different.

And of course it would have glass lenses on both ends, which would help keep this post on topic.
