Tigerlight mini-review repost from 05/02


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 11, 2000
East Bay, Cali.
I managed to track one down, w/out the pepper spray contraption attached to the butt end. Very few times, have I said..."holy sh**!!!" when I first turned on a light, but this particular device made me say it...twice!!!
For those not familiar, the Tigerlight was originally designed around a flashlight, but with a O.C. cannister attached to the butt end. Very recently, Tigerlight came out with a non-O.C. version, which I have.

Brief details: It's about the size of a 2-D maglite, but is slightly wider. Weighs about a pound, and is contructed of aluminum. The switch is unique, in the it's a button (like a mag) but is positioned on the body of the light, approximately 1" from the butt end.

The lens assembly is almost identical to the Streamlight set-up, and even features the 2 pin/wire set-up seen on Streamlight Sl series lights. The NiMH pack appears to be constructed with 6 cells (unknown size), in a triangular fashion. They sit at the rear of the light, and are buffered by a thick rubbed spacer/grommet.

Initial testing showed the battery pack at 7.8 volts with no load, though this number doesn't equate to the number of cells in the pack...I'm looking into that.

The lamp pulls 1.85 amps at 7.19 volts, yielding a 13 watt bulb.

Lamp output is listed at 50,000 CP, but compared to my U.S., the tigerlight is brighter, and I would estimate the CP at 70,000 or so (subjective, of course) and the lumens at 250 or so, as it's brighter than all the SF's I own, including my M-4 w/MN60 (225Lu) LA.

The beam consists of a very hot spot with concentric coronas, but has some slight shading, but no significant dark spots.

Overall, a very well designed and well made light, with the few negatives being its shape, there are no carrying options (othern than via pocket) and the switch may need some familiarization.

Just as an update, I lowered the Lumen guesstimate, and I found a leather holder for it, but it hasn't come in the mail, yet.

Currently, I still like this light alot, though it is a bit thick in body diameter.

The battery pack as I initially tested it was 7.8 volts, with each cell rated at 1.25 volts, so the number isn't al that far off from a good NIMH pack.

The bulb hasn't blown, and the battery holds a charge for a long time, I rarely charge the beast.

Some things I would change:
--the plastic window is lousy, it should be switched to glass or Pyrex. I bet the Magcharger glass window would work, but I haven't tried it, yet.
--The body is really thick (probably to accomodate an OC cannister)and I would prefer a body diameter more in line with a D or even C size maglite body.
--The switch position is still goofy to me, but again, this light was originally designed to be used w/an OC cannister attached to the end.

Thanks for the review.
"I bet the Magcharger glass window would work..."

I started to try this but ran short of time as I had to return the light to the owner. A friend suggested tempered glass in lieu of pyrex. He said the the additional ruggedness could be a benefit in the "rough and tumble" corrections environment; a place that this product, in the OC spray variation, has apparently found a home.
Dano, Assuming the AA is 1600ma, I guess the light would run only 30 minutes on 1.85A lamp. Would it be A cells? The problem on Tigher light is lack of full specification in its web site.

I haven't done a run time test, but I think there are 1800MAH AA NIMH cells in the pack.

Beam throw is good. I havent taken any beam shots, except for the one on my yhoo picture site. I'll have to take care of that, maybe tonight?

Ya know, they aren't AA's in the Tigerlight pack...The cells in the Tigerlight pack seem to be a bit fatter and are a tiny bit shorter than a AA...hhmmmm...

How about some photos of the TigerLight itself with a few flashlights next to it to compare?

dan, do you think it's realistic to mount the TigerLight on a carbine firearm?

Is there any evident shock isolation?


Someone mentioned that the tiger w/o the
pepper-spray is 6" long, but their website
says it's 8". Dano, can you confirm which is
correct? Much thanks.

If the light is brighter than SF M4, then
it must be one hell of a bright light.

If the cells are a little shorter and fatter than an AA they are probably 4/5 A cells which are 43 mm long vs. the 50.5 mm of an AA.

The highest capacity 4/5 A's I've seen are 2000 mAh NiMHs.

How many cells are in the pack?
1. I wouldn't mount it, it's too heavy and too thick in body diameter.

2. it's 8" long, 5.5" in diameter.

3. battery pack is 6cells/7.2 volts.

5.5" in diameter?

Am I blind or is this a tpyo?

With a 5.5" diameter reflector, it had better throw better then the rest in the thin beam department!

Dan, please confirm the body and bezel diameters please.


MY FAULT...Diameter of the body: 1 5/8"
Diamter of head/reflector:2 3/8"

The 5.5" was the body circumference...Wrong term...sorry!

Thanks for the photo with the 2D Mag!

Also, are the TigerLight and SL35X really that similar on the reflector side? It looks like a Carley reflector sort of...

Thanks Dan!


The stock 2" Carley reflectors have angular straight lines on the outside. these are the reflectors portrayed in technical drawings on their reflector page.

The 3" Carley reflectors have a bell shaped exterior and have a longer ream hole section than the Tiger Light.
The Tigerlight and Streamlight reflector/lamps are interchargeable, EXCEPT the Tiger is 7.2V and the SL series is 6V...

lemlux - I believe the SL35X reflector is made by Carley.

I notice there is a subtle difference in length between the SL35X and the TigerLight.

What Wattage is the TigerLight bulb to you think?
The SL35X is something like 20W I believe.

