Tigerlight or Pila - what to choose ?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2004
I'm looking for bright flashlight (MUCH brighter then Strion). Currently I'm thinking about Tigerlight FBOP and Pila GL4R. I have few questions:

1. How the Tigerlight and Pila compare in regard of brightness and throw ? Is Pila GL4R throw or flood light ? I need throw light. Which light has more degrading output in time ? Has anybody have run-time plots or beamshoots ?
2. Is Pila high quality light ? As far as I remember sameone posted on cpf something about low quality threads.
3. Can I get 230 V power cord for Tigerlight ?
4. Is Tigerlight good for intermittent use ? I'm thinking it's not. I'm planing to charge if fully after every heavy use, than put it off a charger, and put it back on a charger once a week. Is it good ?
5. Which chemistry is safer ?
6. Are there any good power-mods for Pila GL4R ?

As far I know Pila has few advantages over Tigerlight:
- It uses more advanced chemistry, with hold charge better (AFAIK). It's thus better for intermittent use.
- It has faster charger (3 hours vs 10).
- It's lighter and smaller.
- I can buy 230 V charger for it. I don't know if Tigerlight has charger designed for 230 V.
- I can use Pila's cells in other flashligth if they will fit.

Tigerlight's advantages:
- It's HAIII anodized. AFAIK GL4R isn't HAIII anodized.
- There are many upgrades for TL. I don't know if there are any for GL4R.
- Is's cheaper.

The most important factor, which will be probably deciding, is throw, overall output, and if output is steady.

In this post I'm asking about Tigerlight and GL4R, but I'm not limiting myself to that flashlights. Some others flashligths have been rejected by me. Ultrastinger because it's too long. Surefire M6 and 10X because of high price.

Thanks in advance.
Two different animals.

When I bought my Pila G4, it came with two lamp modules: a really flood like pattern with heavy stipling in the reflector, and another lamp with an almost smooth reflector for longer distance light usage. I'm not sure if the G4 still comes with two lamps.

The smoother reflector will equal the Tiger in terms of light distance, but the Tiger emits A LOT of light. It's an excellent light for the price. The NiMH battery pack is high quality, and frequent recharging won't hurt it. There are a few CPF upgrades for the Tiger.

I'd guess the main point would be how you're going to carry them. The G4 is easy on belt carry. The Tiger is a bit larger, and doesnt carry too well on the belt.

My only experience with Pila lights is with a couple of GL3's. I can tell you, though, these are *highest quality* lights. No issues whatsoever with the threads; could you be talking about the Peli M6's threads?

BTW, the GL3 is a flood beam.