Tigerlight Quick charger?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2001
San Diego, California
I was just wondering if there are any plans for a quick charger for the Tigerlight? I know that this product uses NiMH, and it is a little more complicated charging them than NiCDs, but for someone who like to use flashlights A LOT, even if it's just to play around with, i'd like to have the light ready to go in less than 4 hours at least.

Even if they aren't planning a quick charger, i'm still going to buy one.

Tigerlight Pro, do you know any dealers in or near the San Diego county? Heck...i'd be willing to drive to L.A. to pick one up. I'm looking for the 8" version at a decent price. If you can help me out, i would greatly appreciate it. Email me or post here if you can. THANKS!!
i second the quick charger...it the only thing holding me back.

i will buy one also, even without the quick charger, but the quick charger would really bump it up the list!
Ditto on the quick charger. Also ditto on buying a tiger light now. The first place that will sell me the FBOP model, shipped, for $100 will get my business.
Originally posted by sunspot:
Ditto on the quick charger. Also ditto on buying a tiger light now. The first place that will sell me the FBOP model, shipped, for $100 will get my business.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">isn't dan running a $114 shipped special?
aren't the quick chargers hard on the batteries?
the strealight ultrastinger manual says not to use a quick-charger, but as i bought a u swith the fast chargers, i dont' think is the problem.
Originally posted by Rothrandir:
the strealight ultrastinger manual says not to use a quick-charger, but as i bought a u swith the fast chargers, i dont' think is the problem.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I don't understand...

Why would the manual say not to use a quick charger, when there is a quick charger designed for the Ultrastinger? I bought a quickcharger and it said "will work with Stinger, Stinger HP, Stinger HP/XT and the Ultrastinger."

I don't see why you couldn't quick charge a NiCD battery stick when RC car collectors quick charge their battery sticks ALL the time. Granted, RC batteries don't last that long, but that because they charger their batteries in 30 minutes or so.

You and I seem to be pretty impressed and excited about the Tigerlight! Have you purchased one yet? If you haven't, go to the Dealer's Section to check out the special that Tactical Wharehouse is running. 2...thats right T-W-O 8" Tigerlights for about 160 dollars! I got mine on hold as soon as they get my money order.
I'm excited to say the least!

Merry Christmas.
jeez...don't get me all excited again

i want one alright, but i have a ultrastinger right now, and that is close enough to make me want another type of light with what little money i have.

also, i want to wait until i find out if randy is going to offer a fast charger.

if you decide you don't want one of those...i'll send you a christmas present if you send me one
Rothrandir...IF i decide that one Tigerlight is enoegh, then i would be more than heppy to let one go for a decent price. I'll keep you in mind when and IF that ever happens.

But being the greedy Flashaholic i am, i probably would keep both.
Fast charging creates alot of heat. This is harder on the nicad than the NIMH. The heat causes the electrode to swell and diminishes run time a Delta V charging system solves this problem to some degree, but is expensive.

We are engaged in a project with the armed forces that is producing some interesting tactical charging solutions. It will be awhile before the civilian market sees any of our new solutions. The current TigerLIght was field tested for 3 years before we would put it in the hands of our services or police.