Tight Focus LED Lights... PAL vs. Dorcy "Our Best Aluminum Flashlight"


Jul 15, 2002
Knoxville, TN
I am thinking about getting both of the lights above.

1. Does the PAL have a tighter focus than the "Our Best Aluminum Flashlight"?
2. Where other than Ledcorp can I buy the "Our Best Aluminum Flashlight"?
3. How durable is the body of the OBAF
4. How bright is the PAL LED compared to Photon and the OBAF.
LedCorp's "Our Best Aluminum Flashlight" is the same as Dorcy's Aluminum Cool Blue Flashlight. The Dorcy version is blue aluminum instead of black but is otherwise identical to the LedCorp version. The Dorcy version can sometimes be found in retail outlets like Meijers or Walmart. I'm not sure who still carries it.

I have one I bought on closeout. Actually if you decide you want one of these lights, let me know and I will sell you mine for less than LedCorp sells them. I'll have to check what I paid for mine but I will definitely sell it for less than I paid for it and a lot less than LedCorp charges.

Oh yeah and the body of the light is fairly sturdy like a Mag.
