time for a new light...help


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
I`m in the same boat as you Mrchi5. I have that burning desire to have another light...it`s terrible.

If it wasn`t for those 123 batts I would get that one. I don`t want to have to order from the internet avery time I need batts...which sounds like it could be often.

I`m was leaning towards the 4000 or 3000...I already have a Treck 7...the Blackdiamond headlamp might be what I do...just to get rid of that "must have some new light feeling". Or drink a beer and see if I can hold out longer.
if i were to buy 12 of those batteries after shipping it still costs about 3.20 to fill up the light for just 3-5 hours run time. the 4k says will run up to 30 days but i wonder when the brightness would start to drop off? the small size of the 5x is a big plus. hmm I may end up getting both. I thought bright guy sold the 5x but i dont see it anywhere. could someone post the url? if I can find a place that sells them both i could save a lot on shipping.
well I did it. tripleaughtdesign had them both for reasonable prices. after shipping it was about 100 dollars. is there no cure to my endless need for flashlights? I'm feeling really guilty now. going to sell some of my old ps2 games on ebay to make up for it...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> I'm feeling really guilty now. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh yeah, a sure sign of addiction. Luckily you're among friends. Hi, my name is...
right now the light I normally use is the attitude. I like it a lot but being a flashaholic I want a new light. I was hoping for the arc ls but now it looks like it will be a long long time before its refined and readily available. a few that caught my eye is the lightwave 4k, innova 5x, and eternalight xray. I want something thats much brighter than my attitude. its a tough little light to beat in my opinion. in another post i was reading the 5x stays at full brightness for about 3 hours with the included batteries. thats quite pricey to run with those lithium batteries. anyone have suggestions? i cant decide.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrchri5:
...thats quite pricey to run with those lithium batteries. anyone have suggestions? i cant decide.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm very happy with the Innova X5. I use it every day. Lithium batteries can be bought for a reasonable price at this
my lightwave 4000 and innova 5x just arrived. I looked like a madman tearing the box and packaging open with my leatherman. Both lights are smaller than I thought. everyone talks about how big and heavy the lightwave is but its a little shorter and lighter than a 3d mag. this will be a very good light for use around the house or short walks. appears to be a very tough light. This light will stay on the nightstand. the switch will make it easier to turn on in the middle of the night.I can't decide which one I like better. The Innova is about the size of the attitude but brighter. This is going to be a great light for showing off to friends. most of the lights I have are rather plain looking but these just look cool. I was skeptical about the innova because I don't really like the big price on lithiums but for this light its worth it. the attitude is still better for general use because its about the same size, cheaper batteries,cheaper up front cost and still quite bright. I would suggest any of these lights to flashaholics.