tjtech's image board?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 27, 2002
tjtech\'s image board?

Anyone know when tjtech's image board will be fixed? It has exceeded it's band width.
Re: tjtech\'s image board?

I'dve thought it would be back online by now, with the monthly reset. I've been trying to get there a few times too, only to be shut out by the bandwidth exceeded webpage. .
Re: tjtech\'s image board?

Same here. Probably why my avatar isn't working? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
Re: tjtech\'s image board?

anyone know how much bandwidth that site uses?

(odd, that CY's images from there still load.)
Re: tjtech\'s image board?

Hmmmm, . . . . .that IS odd, watt4! I'm not sure why his would and others [like mine] don't. At any rate, I hope it's fixed soon. I don't like having a white rectangle with a red X for an avatar. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif

By the way, does anyone know who owns that site, or knows their email? I wonder if that person knows of this bandwidth problem?
Re: tjtech\'s image board?

The band width problem message seems to be gone, but now whenever I try to upload an image I get the following:

- Adding EMBEbefore_after.jpg
Resizing/compressing original image
No resizing required
<font color="red">Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0)! </font>
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Re: tjtech\'s image board?

Your link gives me this:

This board has moved!
Click <font color="blue"> HERE </font> to go to our new location.
Be sure to adjust your bookmark!


Apache Server at

And the <font color="blue"> Here </font> takes you the the main page of cpf.

Anyway, I'm hoping this gets fixed soon. It's the only image board that I like using.