To the LS experts out there...Projected Run time of the KL1?

Estimated 4-5 hours at full regulation (like the Opalec Newbeam), then dropping off into an extended "moon mode" after that. Only somebody that has one and also owns a recording meter can confirm this though. The light output should be substantially higher than other LS lights currently available.
I don't think the KL1 will run 4-5 hours at full regulation even if mated to a two cell E2 body but we'll see soon enough I guess.
We'll all have to wait and see.

BUT theoretically, the LS is a 1-watt device. Of course, if it's overdriven, it uses more power.

2 x 123 cells have about 6000Wh available
2 x AA cells have about the same amount available

(it's tough to tell exactly as the voltage is falling as the battery is discharging).

We're seeing 2-hour run time from the Lambda devices.

We're seeing 3-hour+ run time from the Arc sLS (at 3000Wh on one cell).

It WILL be interesting to see.

Who knows what PK comes up with?


I agree with Brock.

The output is as flat an mine eyes can judge.

I can not tell the difference between the KL1 powered by one SF123A and it powered by two SF123As.

For that matter, I can't tell the difference between the KL3 powered by two or three SF123As.

What I can say is that my general day-to-day SF123A usage uses used SF123As. It's excellent! It's free light output, and what amazing output it is!


Do you see any difference between the KL1 and the KL3? Judging by comments here and elsewhere, it would appear that you have now joined the ranks of Luxeon proponents; albeit as brought to us by the likes of SureFire.

Welcome to the club. :) Seems we can anticipate some hearty advocates for the KL series when they hit the streets..............................

- A fellow believer
Can I tell the difference between the KL1 and the KL3?
The KL3 beam is more beamish then the KL1.
This is based on having one of each for field-testing.

I've been trying out the KLx for a while now too. E1e+KL1 is my preferred EDC at this point. I have the KL3 in this setup:

I used in the archives at work today - great for reading in the dark.

I have my own KL1 on order from The Prince so unless I manage to break the KL1 (I'm trying) I'll be able to compare the single and two cell output sidebyside. Like I say, I can't tell the difference which is great because I'm using up used SF123A one at a time in the E1e whereas I don't want to mix used cells together to power the E2e.

Darell's guess: Roughly 2hours of regulation per 123 cell. Read: A bit less than 2 hours on one cell, a bit more than two hours on two cells.

The KL1 bezel installed on an E2e body.


The base of the KL1.


This is the business end - the part you aren't supposed to stare into.


A side view of the bezel assembly. Note the super fly cooling rings.


Beam shot on the test target.
Brightness was measured at 351,000mcd using the Meterman portable.


But this is what you were *really* waiting for. The battery discharge analysis. Note the 4 hours 15+ minutes of TOTALLY FLAT REGULATION before it even thinks about starting to fall off!

After that, it drops off into a "moon mode" giving you plenty of time to change batteries before finally nursing the last few milliwatts of the CR123's chemistry.\