Today is your last chance


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
Today is your last chance to take advantage of Gadgets super offer...a digital multi meter capable of measuring amps for $5.25 plus actual shipping...he sent me one and it`s great...still can`t beleive the price!

If you don`t have one I would would e-mail Gadget...I don`t think you could beat this price anywhere.
Thanks Ken.

That's right, I'll be going there once more to pick up and mail the last one to one more member.

I'll be aroung for a little while, so email me asap and I'll get any more I need.
I got four. Sent cash. No problem. Gadget emailed me the moment he got the money, and when he shipped them off. I got the meters 2-3 days later, nicely wrapped too. Excellent. And so far they match the readings (i.e. measuring volts on a battery, Beckman: 1.549 volts, Cen-tech: 1.55 volts..) I get with my $250 (10 years ago) Beckman HD110, which I had calibrated a few months ago (for $80!).
Thanks Ted, glad you like them.

Just a note, inside the case is a Vr adjustment pot. But, I haven't discovered how many ranges it affects. You may be able to hook up multiple meters and "calibrate" the CenTechs yourself.
I got mine today. My wife sent it to me from OHIO, I'm still stuck in NC.
THANKS GADGET for the offer and for sending it. It's a great little meter.
I got my two CEN-TECH DMMs from Gadget as early as 6-30-01, 3 days after sending my payment through PayPal.

Thanks Gadget! 5 stars to you!!

- verge -
Thanks to everyone for the comments.
Glad you like them and I hope they last as long as you need them.
(Mine too!)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by axolotls:
How did I miss this? was I sleeping?

Don't know if you emailed me yet...

I picked up a couple spares before the sale ran out.

Email me if you want one.
First come, first served.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by axolotls:
mail sent.....

Um, I got a couple emails, more than I have meters. I assume one of them is you, but send me another including your CPF handle.

I don't want to leave you hanging, but now I don't have enough to fill all requests.
You asked for one here first, so I'm considering you to be the first "requester".

Get in contact with me.