Tonight I took my 5yo daughter to a Holloween party/story "thing". Part of it was a trip along a trail, where things jump out and scare you (hey, it's for little kids). Anyway, your supposed to bring a flashlight, so, I bring 3
An E2
and Arc LS
and my ARC AAA
I ended up starting with the Surefire, which calmed my daughter down, but it was TOO bright - you saw everything way before you got to it - even if you kept it pointed at your feet. Ditto the Arc LS
I ended up Using the Arc AAA, and it was one of the brighter lights in use!
Gad, folks have such wimpy flashlights - they think they are bright till you turn on something real
An E2
and Arc LS
and my ARC AAA
I ended up starting with the Surefire, which calmed my daughter down, but it was TOO bright - you saw everything way before you got to it - even if you kept it pointed at your feet. Ditto the Arc LS
I ended up Using the Arc AAA, and it was one of the brighter lights in use!
Gad, folks have such wimpy flashlights - they think they are bright till you turn on something real