Too Bright


Apr 21, 2001
New York City
Tonight I took my 5yo daughter to a Holloween party/story "thing". Part of it was a trip along a trail, where things jump out and scare you (hey, it's for little kids). Anyway, your supposed to bring a flashlight, so, I bring 3

An E2
and Arc LS
and my ARC AAA

I ended up starting with the Surefire, which calmed my daughter down, but it was TOO bright - you saw everything way before you got to it - even if you kept it pointed at your feet. Ditto the Arc LS

I ended up Using the Arc AAA, and it was one of the brighter lights in use!

Gad, folks have such wimpy flashlights - they think they are bright till you turn on something real
They probably assumed you're a flashlight pagan, and will bring a plastic 2D light from the one dollar store, complete with 3 year old zinc-carbon batteries. Little did they know who they were dealing with!

Next year, you should bring an Ultrastinger.
Too funny, reminds me of the time I went to the movies... I'm in a wheelchair and got there as the adds were running, couldn't see a thing. Pressed the button on my SF C3 aimed at the floor and immediatly had everyone attention. After the movie 6 guys asked what kind of light I had.
Originally posted by Charles Gallo:
Gad, folks have such wimpy flashlights - they think they are bright till you turn on something real
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Hee hee!! Funny.
I took my Lambda Illuminator trick-or-treating with my daughter last night. She was wearing this wild metalic material (to look like foil) and when I held the light over her head, she lit up like a frigging beacon in the night. In a crowed of "I can barely see you's" Kyra just walked along in her own bright glow. Cleaned up at the nighbor's too! (which obviously is the whole point since Papa gets first pickin's.)

Lots of parents had lights with them, but I have NO idea what they were planning on illuminating with those things. EEK.
Isn't Halloween fun? I took my 420L DB 4AA w/6 123's in it along just for fun (and, as a hand warmer)