Total mod noob needs help


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007
Hi all, I have never modded a single flashlight in my life, do not even own a soldering iron. I want to change that by starting with something real simple like changing the driver on my Ultrafire A1 to this 5 mode driver with memory mode

Can someone guide me? step by step and maybe with pictures to dumb it down for a noob like me?
ahhh ... :thinking:
seems to me the light in the link uses exactly the same driver

(PS: that light is so small, I would not advise to start modding with such a small one)
no, the light doesnt have a memory mode. A memory mode would make that light good for my needs.
no, the light doesnt have a memory mode. A memory mode would make that light good for my needs.

not to rain on your parade or anything, but check it on the bench first, these things that SAY they have a memory mode, can still JUMP modes on turn on. mabey its my turn on, but things just dont always work the way they SAY.

with that said, first thing you gotta do is tear it apart, with it still being on single pieces afterwards :), and capable of being reassembled.

1) is it glued?
2) is the driver held with a brass thread piece with 2 flat blade type notches in it?
3) does the driver board actually FIT the hole, you might have to shave the edges a bit
4) can you get to the connection wiring, without removing the led head ? is IT glued

you dont really have to "have" all the tools, but often even if you do have the tools you have to MAKE UP something to do the task, so having a sander/bench grinder, soldering gun, heat gun or hair dryer, replacement wire, strap wrenches, rubber junk for grabbing/holding stuff, and mabey something (Vice and mini vice fingers) or someone to HOLD things in place.
and yes you can get all that for less then $50, even if it wont be perfect.
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GREAT!! Thanks a lot for all the helpful info guys.

I have tried clicking and holding, turning it on and off etc, nope, there is no memory mode for the A1, but if it did have one, that would make it prefect for my needs.

Was thinking of getting an LD01 from Fenix but that doesnt have a memory mode either.
I hate memory mode, just to give You something to think about it:

* memory mode has the light go on in the last one used (except for the chance of VidPro's excellent info)
* to go to a mode that comes earlier, You have to klick through all the remaining modes (and the ones that are in front of it) --> annoying
* high chance You miss stopping, because You click fast --> another sequence of klicks
* when You are in the dark and only need lower outputs (makes 90 % of light needs), You can get a full blast from the last level that was used somewhen earlier

thats why I like to have the light go on in a certain mode at any time.
Then I know: 1st ON is level x. To go to brightness y: 2 klicks from OFF, ...
its easier.